Pushing lost carts back home
Yesterday I was walking to my local Safeway and found one of their carts on the sidewalk about three blocks away. I pushed it back to the store -- not easy, since one wheel was blocked (unsuccessful attempt by the store to prevent theft). Saw a policeman filling his gas tank and told him, in case he was wondering, and also told a store clerk, who was grateful. Even the big chain stores appreciate and need honest folks!
- Posted by lindariebel
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Letter Of Appreciation....i Had ...
Letter of Appreciation....I had to go to the dentist today, a dentist I'd never been to before. From the moment I walked into the office, there was a strong kindness vibe present. The staff was caring & warm, over & above, and the little jolly dentist was so kind & caring. Tomorrow I am going to sit down & write them a heartfelt letter of deep appreciation.
I didn't bite the dentist & stayed calm :)))
- Posted by Mish
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Contact To Friend
Met with our "Christmas elf" today, the person who finds us the family we help at Christmas. Surprised her with a batch of cookies that I found out she likes. She was giddy! Found out the family we helped was speechless with what we had done. We don't view it as special, but were delighted to know that we made a difference, if just for a day. Anyway, planning dinner with elf and hubby soon. Love making contacts and turning them into friends.
- Posted by lightbulb
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Happy Bathroom Visit
Inspired by KS folks who do this, on my road journey today, I left the cafe bathroom cleaner than when I arrived. I wiped down the basin and surround, picked up some paper towels that were on the floor, put two post it notes on the mirror, and left a kindness pack (smiley magnet, notebook, pen, list of kind acts, smile card and a Mindy peace dove) on the shelf.
- Posted by kiwicat
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Some Winter Cloths Can Be Make Some One Happy !!
Today I got an opportunity to help a servant with some winter clothes. today's morning he came to me and told me that he got a new baby in his house.he was looking very happy and good. he asked me for some winter clothes, so I gave him some shirts and woolen clothes. he thanked me with cheerful smile.
Thanks to him and also to all of you.
- Posted by kmbhai
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Was gifted with a pair of angel wings and loving note today by a friend. I stuck them onto my purse where I can see and be reminded of them daily.
We are all angels. Each and everyone one of us without us even realizing. What we do, what we say, who we touch, and even the little gestures and things like smiling at those we don't know. It all matters. It all touches. We are all angels.
Grateful I am today to be appreciated by a work colleague. But mostly I am grateful for the reminder of how much I can impact anothers life. How much we all can ♡
- Posted by brindlegirl
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Cold In Nyc
Kind of self care day today. It was very cold out so I didn't want to spend much time outside. I also cleaned up my house today. Fed my outside kitties, feel so bad for them to be so cold out there.
My friend called me and asked if she could use some of the cat food she had ordered for me(I had already paid for it). She didn't have enough food for the cats she feeds outside. I told her to take 1/2 of the case. I am seeing her tomorrow, I am going to try to leave her some money.
- Posted by leoladyc728
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There's A Lovely Printout! ...
There's a lovely printout! I apologized for not having commented in the past days....I have had issues with internet and couldn't come into ks...missed you....all is well now! I've been more in contact with my new friend Kathy and we are growing together into the LIght. My friend from Texas Elena (with whom I meditate weekly) has also participated in her healing.... Last week Kathy shared with my two Spanish friends a lovely Skype interchange and we are going to continue to do this weekly, God willing. She felt "back in business", my friends felt enriched with her input in many areas and I was elated, to say the least. I have past the 50 mark on the number of hats to be donated in February to the Cancer Society or related! I have another project in mind once I meet this one! I will post the pictures once I have them ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by sandyremillar
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Kindness Assignment
I am doing a kindness media campaign with my grade 7 class. for the assignment students will need to create a marketing campaign to sell kindness raising awareness to the fact that kindness leads to happiness which leads to higher achievement in school. I will let you know how it goes.
- Posted by amysmith2
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Winter Fun
Since it's probably our only chance to enjoy the snow this winter, I dragged my kid out to go sledding on the hill behind our house today; we laughed so hard and so much fun! I thanked her for being an awesome 15-year old that still goes sledding with her mom. :)
- Posted by alisamom
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Kindness To A Homeless Man
I saw the same man I saw during the holidays outside of our local grocery store yesterday, it was cold and raining and he looked so hungry; my husband and I went in to but some lunch so I grabbed one extra and handed it to him, he was so grateful and happy, probable his only meal in a while. I went back to the grocery store in the evening and I wanted to buy him dinner too but unfortunately he wasn't there anymore:( whenever I see his friendly face I buy a meal for him, I wish I could do more, but it makes me happy to know at least he gets some food, and I really hope others show kindness to him too.
- Posted by paolagast
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A Long Hug Was Just What She Needed.
I gave a long hug to a coworker (Ellen) after she told me that was feeling down because she had to put her 18 year old cat down. While giving her the hug I noticed she was crying as I was telling her about the circle of life and I told her: "take this long hug to give you strength to support your loss". As I finished, she said: "Thank you so much, for this long hug, it was just what I needed. I feel much better and I can let go now."
- Posted by viktorq
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Flowering Kindness in Fourth Grade
Today's RAOK was so cool on a number of different levels:
Last week I asked my students to bring one flower (or more) today so we could create a bouquet for the office staff.
We got WAY more than I had anticipated. There were actually three more vases of flowers after I took this pic.
Then, we all delivered them to the office staff with a Thank You card we all signed letting them know how we appreciated them.
Best part: when we returned, I asked the kids what they got from that experience. they said it made them happy. I asked what made them happy. And, they said making others happy.
I think they got it, that kindness always comes back and that it creates more. Can't wait to see what THEY will do the rest of the month.
#AprilRAOK #BeKindToOneAnother
- Posted by lewski711
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Students Teach Teachers
A colleague held a class where ten-year olds taught Minecraft to college students aspiring to become elementary teachers. What a wonderful event! The younger children really shined when paid attention to as teachers, and the teachers-in-training learned new things and connected with their future students. Taking young persons seriously, giving others our full attention and respect, and listening deeply are rich gifts!
- Posted by andrewart
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Positivity Notes
I brought little positive messages on stickies to my training. Each participant was instructed to pick one out for another person there to give them. It set the tone for positivity and the environment we want to create when working with youth.
It was joyful to hear their dreams and watch their plans for the year unfold as they planned out what they want to do with young people.
- Posted by suse15
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My Little Brother Rocks!
I called my younger brother today. He lives south of Boston while I live in southern Mexico. How wonderful it was to reconnect with him after several months! I am five years older but we are very close, heart and soul wise. I feel so blessed that I can call him for 'free' with the cell phone plans now available (and cheap!) here in Mexico. We had a wonderful, hour-long conversation catching up on how our children are succeeding and sharing our lives as grandparents. Thank you to all my KS friends for keeping me focused on all the good still out there.
- Posted by mdeese_99
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No Christmas Cards
Many years ago at Christmas time I parked my car in the town centre on my way to the post office to post my Christmas cards. It was the last posting day for Christmas cards if they were to be received before Christmas. As I came out of the car park I saw a young boy probably about 12 years of age on the other side of the road. He was alone and as he was walking he was sobbing and holding his right hand side. I thought some bigger boys had perhaps bullied him and he was in pain. I had to go to his aid and see if I could help with his distress. He told me that his big sister who was a nurse had bought him a combined birthday/Christmas present. It was a mobile phone, I would say it was his first mobile phone. He had been ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by RoseMarie
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Chalk in the Morning
After yesterday's rain, the latest chalk kindness words on the front walk have washed away. I went out early this morning and wrote another. There is an older gentleman who lives in the multi-unit across the street. He is a school crossing guard. We've never talked. This is the second time that he has observed me writing just as he is leaving for his station. And the second time that we have chatted. Who knew that simple kindness words in chalk would have that outcome?
- Posted by gardengal10
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Library Dues
I was at the library this afternoon. I'm doing some research for my Facebook page and ordered a stack of kindness books online, so I went into the library to pick them up.
A woman was there having a tantrum about her library fine of $5. I walked up to the desk and said, "It's okay, I've got it!" and handed the librarian a $5 note. The woman shouted at both of us that "it's not about the money!!!" So, I said that she sounded like she was upset so I could either pay the fine, or give her the $5 and she could go and buy herself a coffee.
She looked like a popped balloon as her anger levels went down, and half-smiled, and said thanks for paying the fine. I handed the money over to the librarian and the woman apologized. All is well.
- Posted by kiwicat
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Look what I received in the mail today! I've been kindsprung by a fellow kindspringer:). A few were made by dear Jeramiah, who recently transitioned into his next life. Others were made by his caring, beautiful and thoughtful mother, known to us as painiacs:). I will be looking to find a permanent home for these. What a joyous way to remember and honor Jeramiah!
- Posted by cyctw
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