There's No Charge- Today ...
There's no charge- today I decided I was gonna have a me day so I went to the mall. I went to Chick Fil A for lunch and went up to a young guy cashier named Cramer to pay for my meal. He told me the total , and as I was handing him $10, he said "That's ok,there's no charge!"
I was confused for a second then figured it out -wow he's paying it forward! I've done raok acts for people + now it's happening to me! I needed that - I haven't been feeling great and it was a nice surprise. After I collected my thoughts I told Cramer "thank you sooo much."
I was able to pay it forward a little bit at my next stop, when I was using me retailmenot app. A woman behind me asked about it and while I saw she was waiting for it to upload, I went to the cashier next to her and used mine - she got 50% off too.
- Posted by lt33
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Beautifully Wrapped And Gifted With Love.
How beautiful does this gift look? The note too, isn't it beautiful? I received this in the post on way out the door to a funeral. I read the note and I want to share a few words from it because I want you to feel the love and warmth which oozed from it: "Dearest Most Precious Rose-Marie You are going to love this book!......I've always wanted this book myself but it never landed in my hands.and the years passed. Then only a few months ago I saw your KindSpring post and I was reminded again of the book. So I've searched for it and this time, found it! So its yours beautiful.......... With so much love I gift this. ....." Isn't the wording just beautiful? What a beautiful person she is!! I've said before that KindSpring gifts bring a love emanating from the gift. I get so excited when I receive gifts ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by RoseMarie
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Baked Some Gratitude Cupcakes...
Baked some gratitude cupcakes last night :)).
One plate to give the library staff when I visit today to inquire about the next True Colors --West coloring meet.
One for Jenny's Floral as a thanks for tagging me and many others with flowers in the Petal It Forward campaign the other day.
And one plate for MisterMindy, who does so enjoy his sweets in the morning, plus I'm so grateful he is feeling better!
- Posted by mindyjourney
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Unexpected Kindness
I was at a postal office to send a package for a relative of mine. When the manager asked me to pay the bill, I didn’t have the exact change. I needed a change of 500 Rs. and the manager was saying that it is very difficult to get change these days.
Meanwhile, a rickshaw driver who was standing behind me, overheard our conversation and asked me if he could get change from outside. So I gave him the money. He soon returned with the change.
In appreciation for his eagerness and timely help, I gave him a origami peace dove and he thanked me. The manager looking curiously at this unexpected gift by me, told him to hang it in his auto rickshaw. I then gave a peace dove to the manager as well.
I could tell, it filled our hearts even if we were total strangers and met only briefly.
- Posted by Butterkind
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Baffling Software Leads to Kind Solutions
As a student researcher at the Radiological Sciences department at UC Irvine, I use various software to collect and analyze scans of people with brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. When I first started doing research, I found the QuPath software to be very difficult to use. There were a lot of different tools and an extensive amount of new vocabulary to learn. There was another student working on a similar project also using the QuPath software. She walked me through a lot of it and although she had her own project to work on, she was always ready to answer any questions. I continued to struggle with the software during the times when she was not in the lab and there was no one to ask for help. It took me quite some time and practice to become proficient at using it but eventually, I was very well-acquainted with ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by lemonade
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🙠Grateful for All 4-Legged Friends ðŸ¾
🈠“It is impossible for a lover of cats to banish these alert, gentle, and discriminating friends, who give us just enough of their regard and complacence to make us hunger for more.” Agnes Repplier
Deep gratitude for the love and comfort our many house cats have blessed us with in years past, and for our present feral friends who grace me with their love each day. They help me get through this time of challenge in our world. ðŸ™
🖼Art by Olga Suvorova
- Posted by Mish
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