Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Acts Of Kindness With Jeep Ducking

Acts of kindness I was able to finally give a small rubber ducky to a Jeep owner and left in our her car windshield she had a few already that's been gifted to her 🐥🐥🐥🐥

The only real rule of Jeep ducking is kindness. You can buy rubber duckies to keep in your Jeep, then randomly put them on other peoples’ Jeeps as you see fit. You can also re-gift one that was left for you.

I was waiting patiently in McDs line to order. A lady tapped my shoulder hey how do you do this? I saw she needed help with her online order so I tried to help her since I've never used those kiosk inside the restaurant I was still able to order it for her and she told me a story how for 4 years she didn't have a voice had to get a prostatic voice box and it was so hard for her to order through the drive thru since they never could hear her I told her well its nice to hear you now 🤗

32 Reads

Perfect Timing 👌🏻

So I had an extra “hug” (prayer shawl), that I crocheted a while ago, that I was waiting for The Universe to let me know who to gift it to. 🧶

I found out that my neighbor-friend was starting a part-time job today, as a companion to a 91 year old woman. I thought , perfect candidate for a “hug” 😊

I just brought it over & my friend will bring it with her when they meet for the first time today. 👌🏻

I’m happy 🥰

98 Reads

Curry-puff Kindness To Hungry Neighbour 🙂 My Father 🙏

It's raining and my neighbour brought Curd Rice. As climate is cool, it might affect his health if he eats curd rice. So, he gave up lunch. Father asked him if he eats CurryPuff. He replied yes. Father went outside on a task and while coming back he brought 4 CurryPuffs. I ate one. Neighbour ate 3 puffs. My father is an Expert in sharing food. I have a kindness star at home in the form of my father🙂

30 Reads

Coffee, Anyone?

I haven't been active posting, but I do my best to spread kindness in the world, whether that be globally or locally. Today was local. I had a BOGO free at Starbucks today. I ordered what I usually do whenever I get something there and asked the gentleman behind me if I could get his drink for him, telling him it didn't cost me anything. He obliged:). Maybe that local act will ripple out globally:<3.
Oh, and I wish all the past, future, and present fathers out there a ONEderFULL day<3.

73 Reads

Cat Treats For A Coworker

I recently bought some cat treats, so I could give them to a neighbour who has a cat.

I haven’t seen him and his cat recently, so I mentioned to my coworker, who has two kitties, that I had them and arranged to mail them to her.

She received them and said one of the cats tried it and loved it.

I was so happy to hear that.

226 Reads

Sunday Kindness

Sunday Kindness Today, Sunday June 23, Six in the morning, I went out to buy Organic fruits and vegetables. I gave some quote cards. While buying mangoes, I complemented the vendor for giving me sweet mangoes last time. I got rikshaw from just near the Organic Market. He made a mistake and took me to wrong place. Then he drove me home. I paid the higher fare gladly with tip and told him not to worry, for, anybody can make mistakes. Later on, during bus rides to and from Vidhyadaan Foundation, I gave many quote cards to bus passengars. I gave ten books, Quote cards in Vidhyadaan’s name, about 300 bookmarks. That students and teachers loved. I also made a donation to my favorite institution, Vidhyadaan Foundation. I talked to the students of grade 3 to 12, about the importance of positive thinking and self confidence. Before arriving at VD, I was thinking of talking to the ... Read Full Story >>

40 Reads

Time With A Neighbor

Today I went over to visit an older neighbor, in her 80's, who was in rehab a month ago. We decided to go out for a walk. it was such a nice time. walking slowly as she was using her walker.
She struggles a bit with her family support system and I enjoyed giving her another outlet. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

78 Reads

Offering Water To Passengers

Offering water to passengers !

These days the temperature is very high in India. Heat waves are flowing throughout the day. traveling without water would be very risky for life. So we organised a water distribution event at the Railway station for passengers.

41 Reads

Canteen’s Leftover Food For Less Advantaged

My wife learnt that Google's office in our neighborhood is left with a lot of food in their canteen. Most times that leftovers food goes waste. My wife went to their office, bought some vessels and plates from a shop, collected the food and went to a nearby cluster where poor people live. They happily ate. My wife is now doing this process twice a week and she is also working with Robinhood to see if they can arrange volunteers so the food is collected and served to the less advantaged.

91 Reads

Hot Weather, Cool Kindness

Hot weather, cool kindness on June 7

Temperature still remains well above 100-degree Fahrenheit.

I made a donation and also sent a parcel of books to my favorite school.

Gave some quote cards to the clerk and some people at the post office.

Cracked jokes with a bank employee. Gave a bookmark and quote cards at the bank.

Kept door open for a bank customer.

Gave a pair of slippers and recyclables that I have saved to a needy lady who collects them from the road.

Made and gave signs for my family doctor. He wanted to pay me but I will donate it any way.

36 Reads

Sent Another Care Package To My Friend In Ukraine :)

Sent another care package to my friend in Ukraine. I heard from him this morning that he finally received it -- the package was held up in customs, probably because of the 1.5 kilos of chocolate I included lol

There are candies and snacks, another Lego set, some CD's of his favorite genre of music, and some other goodies, none of which he and his family can easily acquire in Ukraine. I cannot think of a better way to start my weekend than reading he finally received it and reading about the delight of he and his family with the package's contents :)

44 Reads

Caring For Neighbors

Made lots of homemade food for my neighbor/friend who is having surgery today.
Made a care package for a neighbor/friend whose family is all sick right now--included a hand painted card of get well wishes
Took some garden veggies to my friend's mom who lives around the corner (friend and her hubby are having a rare few days' vacation away from elders/kids right now)...ended up visiting with her for a while and promised to come back with some more treats that she will enjoy.

86 Reads

What Makes You Happy?

🧶 Doing more of what makes me happy, which is crocheting …it’s self-kindness 💕

Crocheting a “hug” (prayer shawl) for my dentist’s wife , to surprise him with next visit , and a baby blanket for someone whose relative is expecting a baby soon 👶🏻

What are your “doing what makes you happy” do’s, I wonder 😊

102 Reads

A Lovely Note

I'm giving 64 small gifts this year to celebrate my 64th birthday back in March. This is the third year. I won't detail them monthly anymore. But I wanted to share a lovely exchange with a volunteer named Sharon, who works here in the States for Sister Lucy. After my monthly gift, I got a personal email from Sharon. She thanked me and said my monthly gifts mean a lot. I wrote that I was happy to help and that Sister Lucy was my hero. She wrote that she felt the same. A few more notes were exchanged. It was a joy to share our love for this powerful, beautiful woman who changed so much with love. (And still does.)

46 Reads

Colorful Kindness

Colorful Kindness

My friend SD tagged the bookmarks with newly bought colorful twines. His wife delivered them yesterday. I will donate them to school and some individuals. We had nice family talk. I gave her bag of home-made snacks

I also gave her money to buy some groceries for needy lady on my behalf. I am grateful to her for saving me time and keeping me safe at home. The outside temperature reaches 105. A week ago, it was 116. Some part of India observed 122 degree Fahrenheit temperature.

42 Reads

I ❤️ Our Neighbors

❤️Simple Kindness do’s on the block…..

📚 Left a book I finished reading on neighbor’s porch. She & her family are all big book readers 😊

📦 Taking in mail & any packages left on next door neighbors’ porch this week while they are on vacation

🎂 Brought over a birthday gift & card to neighbor friend

Small kindness acts…big enjoyment for me 🥰

106 Reads

Cigarette Butt Challenge - Removing This Frequently Littered Item

Cigarette butts are one of the top items that are littered, worldwide. They find their ways into our waterways after it rains, and can negative impacts to the planet, including animals.

There was a weeklong Cigarette Butt Challenge, where people would sign up and collect and dispose of littered butts.

It’s incredible how many gross butts you can find, everywhere.

I spent time on the weekend doing this.

41 Reads

Generosity By Students

So today I was the recipient of my student's generosity. He texted me today and asked if i was available to go up flying with him tonight. I jumped on the chance! We flew out of Palo Alto and up to San Francisco. It was a beautiful evening, as you can see. We had incredible views of the GG Bridge and the Bay Bridge, as well as Alcatraz! And earlier this week one of my students gifted me a piece of art that she had done. I was moved to tears...especially when she told me that it was her favorite piece! I remember doing a challenge where the act was to give away my favorite book. That was pretty easy for me, as books are replaceable. This was an original piece. I won't be parting with it<3.

133 Reads

On My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I was 68 and I loaned £68 to three entrepreneurs through LendWithCare as part of my birthday.

On the day, we went to Durham and went round the Cathedral as we haven't been round it for a number of months. Back in 2013 we visited Durham for the day and they were creating a model of the cathedral in Lego bricks. As we were heading towards the cafe and shop I noticed a sign which invited visitors to come upstairs and see the Lego model. I told my husband I wanted to do that after we'd had a drink.

We went upstairs and were amazed by the model which contains 299, 876 bricks. One of the volunteers told us the history of it being moved after we explained we had been two of the people who placed a brick. The photod don't do it justice.

99 Reads

Another Donation To Ukraine :)

Donated to Ukraine. They have launched another fundraiser to commemorate their (nearly) 124 million donations to their United24 platform.

Some of the many accomplishments completed, thanks to generous donors from all over the world, include 4 rebuilt schools equipped with bomb shelters, 18 apartment buildings currently under re-construction in the Kyiv region, 18 rebuilt bridges, and many, many more active projects.

More information on this current project can be found here:

"Give for the sake of giving -- love for the sake of loving".

Слава Україні :)

159 Reads