What's Great About A Smile?
Smiles Can Fly...Give it a Try! A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. It costs nothing, but is worth much. It enriches whoever receives it, without impoverishing the one who gives it. It lingers for just a moment, but its effects can last for a lifetime. No one is so rich or mighty that he can endure without it, and no one is so poor or miserable that he cannot be uplifted by it. A smile brings joy to the home, creates good will in business, makes friendships flourish, and brightens the day of passing strangers. It gives hope to the discouraged, sunshine to the weary, and for a few precious moments it can ease the mightiest of burdens. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for a smile has no value to anyone until it is given away. A smile travels quickly. It is the closest distance between people. It is the light on a face that tells you someone is at ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by JZ
- May 29, 2007
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You Helped Me
I know this site is primarily for sharing stories of how we help others, however I have to take this time to say thank you.
All of you and your stories have not only helped with my depression but it has given me more faith in others. I am in the process of changing careers to the non-for-profit sector, especially focused on children's homes in our local area. I never would have made this change had you not all shown me the world is still a place full of good people.
Hopefully I get this job and can begin to share your stories with the children who have lost their faith in humanity, the way I had before I found this site. Wish me luck on the job and again from the bottom of my heart I thank those who started this website and all those that are members.
You have truly made an amazing difference in my life and my future. God bless you ALL!
- Posted by myturn
- May 29, 2007
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The Garage Sale
All kinds of people come to garage sales in the hope of finding a treasure at a bargain basement price! Most of our customers are treasures without truly realizing it.
We started our 4 day garage sale today to raise money to send over to Russia to help orphans & many others who are in desperate need -- like 2 sisters who can't go to church together because they only have one nice dress between them!
Back to the garage sale:- along with our usual items, we also put out a donation box & jokingly asked if people could a spare million or so for a good cause!
Much to our surprise, many people donated in that box and their simple kindness will touch many lives; some folks even volunteered to help us out.
With the donations & sales we netted over $300. And just think, this is only the first day!
- Posted by Bibirose
- May 28, 2007
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Honoring Angels In Disguise
I've met quite a number of people in my life, all types, all walks of life but this individual just stands out from the rest. I met this angel at my place of employment and since that first day she has become a major source of inspiration to me, not because she has super powers but just because the magic she can give from her heart.
Every year and every special occasion that enters into a persons life is important and memorable but when she is involved they become life changing events, because without asking she makes the person feel like royalty in heart and mind.
She's done these special things for quite a few people infact I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers don't run in the hundereds. But I just wanted to mention this special Angel to assure all those that read this that there are angels in disguise in our midst, and DONNA is my angel in every sense of the word.
- Posted by Babygirl
- May 28, 2007
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Thank You From A New Friend
This happened a few years back and it truly amazed me when I was reminded of this act of kindness by the woman we helped. At my job we help people when they need a helping hand and this day a woman need help with getting her children some clothes for school. We talked with her to find out her specific needs and told her what we could do. As this woman searched for her items I noticed that her daughter was wearing a pair of shoes that were way too big for her and as she ran around the store she literally ran out of her shoes. This broke my heart and since shoes were not on our list for help I cleared it with my supervisor so that I could buy this child some shoes that fit. Let's just say that it was smiles and tears all around when they ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Babygirl
- May 27, 2007
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HelpOthers.org -- It's A Wonderful Thing!
As I've grown, and began to face the realities of the world, I found myself becoming more and more depressed over all the things I COULD'NT do for people. But after a life-moving experience, I realized I needed to face what I COULD do for people, and that's where It started.
I do little things such as collecting pop tabs for dialises, and canned foods for the bank, and also volunteering at the Humane Society. But I still feel it isnt enough. Then I heard about Smile cards and I thought it was one of the greatest ideas EVER!
I'm a FIRM believer that kindess is contagious and I'm going to spread it world wide! I didn't have any smile cards, so I started writing down the words "I appriciate you" on scrap pieces of paper and handing it to extra special people. And I JUST got my smile cards in the mail today, and I CANNOT WAIT to share them.
I've posted helpothers.org on my myspace in hope of spreading it to my friends, and so on to their friends and family and so on and so on! I really believe that the world would be a better place if everyone was just alittle nicer and respectful to others.
- Posted by mopargoddess
- May 27, 2007
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Volunteer Taxi Service
Since I own a car and most of my friends do not, I feel very blessed to be able to pick them up and drop them off wherever needed.
It's a small thing but I'm always available for giving rides. And everyone is so very grateful that it makes me want to help them more.
- Posted by butterfly
- May 27, 2007
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What The Geese Taught Me
Next fall, when you see Geese heading South for the Winter, flying along in V formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way: As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in V formation the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share a common direction and a sense of community can get where they are going, more quickly and easily, because they are travelling on the thrust of one another. When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone ... and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by JZ
- May 26, 2007
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Not Great, Only Kind
This has really been the perfect day, not to hot, not cold, so I decided I would use it to work in my yard. I love sitting on the earth, pulling weeds and keeping my little space clean, somewhere in my mind I feel that it comforts the weary souls who pass by . Today, two special things happened today that really birghtened my day. Since I am getting older now and have slowed down, I decided early what I was going to accomplish today and started out with a lot of energy, but about half way thru my muscles cramped and I decided to stretch out on the lawn for a minute. Much to my surprise, I heard a voice ask me, "Are you alright?" A stranger saw me and was concerned. What a beautiful soul! I had the wheel barrow with me to put the weeds in and just ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by lovebug
- May 25, 2007
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Watchman Joins 5 Bucks Club
Since my parents are away, they had asked a watchman to look after their house. I happened to visit my parents place and got to know that the watchman was sick and is at the hospital. He came back the same evening from the hospital and said he didn't have the time to find a replacement and hence he discharged himself from the hospital to be at the house for the night.
While chatting with him, he said he has to take an x-ray and do other checkups and said that he will do it only at the end of the month after he gets his pay. I asked him not to wait and paid him for the checkups.
The next day, I was about to hop into the taxi to return to my place. The watchman stops me, gives me 5 bucks and says, "From an elder for your expense during the journey." There is no way to repay such kindness. I have no choice but to pay it forward.
So, now we have a watchman in the five bucks club!
- Posted by giggles
- May 25, 2007
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You Are So Beautiful To Me
I was attending a Fundraiser Gala Celebration for a school. Now, I've recently lost weight and felt good about how I looked in my outfit ... which I hadn't felt in years!
Once I got to the event, many people where telling me how wonderful I looked. To be honest, it felt great to hear that because I worked really hard to look and feel better.
Then, all of a sudden, I was thinking how I wished someone had given nice compliments last year when I was heavier. I did look nice then too, I had a nice outfit, pretty hair and carried myself nicely...
So I started looking around the room for people I knew that were maybe not what was considered "thin" and I went up to them and told them how nice they looked and that I loved their outfits ... they were true comments and came from my heart.
Oh, you should have seen their faces light up because I took time to notice them and let them know they are just as pretty as anyone else there! I think it'll make us closer because they know I care.
We should all look for something nice to say to one another to lift one's spirits.
- Posted by Aurelia
- May 24, 2007
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Ellen's Great Hospitality
On a business trip, a group of us were having dinner at our hotel.
Our server overheard us talking about changing to a hotel closer to the Airport for our early flights out. It was a bit slow so our server said she could help us, and we thought OK, go ahead. How could it hurt?
She came back with a list of 5 hotels, 2 of which were sold out, one was kind of a cheap hotel, one only had 3 rooms, and one that would work. We were stunned. After dinner she even went to the front desk with us and called the one hotel that fit our needs so that we could make the necessary arrangements for our transfer.
Technically speaking, she was losing business but she was more interested in helping us as human beings than treating us as business clients.
Thanks you, Ellen. You went above and betond your normal duties!
- Posted by t75dkm3
- May 24, 2007
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Gratitude For The Kindness Of Strangers...
As I was walking along the river this evening, enjoying some hot chocolate with the sun shining down on me on this nice spring day, I was in the mood to do something nice for a stranger and started to look around for an opportunity to do a random act of kindness. Two minutes later I was approached from across the pathway by a complete stranger. I wasn't sure why he was approaching me, when from out of nowhere he started talking to me really aggressively and harrassing me. I could tell he was probably drunk or high or who-knows-what so I just stayed calm and kept walking ahead. There were hundreds of people sitting on benches nearby and walking along the South Bank with me, so I wasn't really worried. As I tried to walk along he kept saying offensive things to me and trying to get my attention. ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by sonrisa
- May 23, 2007
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We Made A Difference Through Our Day Of Giving!!!!
I love it here in CO and in my new town which boasts a "small town atmosphere and attitude"!. Everyone waves, smiles and says "hello" and there seems to be a real community focus. One of my friends gave me an invitation from her church to participate in a Neighborhood Community Day of Giving. I am not of her faith but she said everyone is welcome so I accepted. The invitation listed the projects and what supplies were needed and you could bring in advance or with you to the church. (The church also provided some of the materials and supplies for those willing to volunteer their time but not able to afford the expense). Everyone gives what they can whether time, money or materials and goods! When we arrived we were greeted by the church coordinator of the project with "welcome, smiles and some hugs". She spoke then other sharing inspirational wisdom and prayers. First project ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by brighteyes
- May 23, 2007
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Welcome Back..to My Life
This past week I had the opportunity to help the man that broke my heart. I had not spoken to him in 16 years.
Our conversation renewed my faith in so many ways, that God brings things about in his own time, that true love never dies but simply changes.
All this time, life was preparing me for the moment when our lives would touch...even so remotely. And it happened at just the right.
I felt like I really helped him... and I was filled with awesome appreciation for the opportunity to give back to someone who had previously hurt me!
- Posted by aogrn
- May 22, 2007
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Without Anything, Life is Beautiful
Today I went to St. Anouthy's Dining Room in San Franscio with a group of 28 adults and 26 students, to feed homeless people. When we got got there there was this guy who shared a bit of the histoy of Tenderloin district and St. Anouthy's and its work. Plus a little bit on the people we going to help out with. We went to the dining room to serve the food. By the third tray, I realized that this was a life changing experience for me. It felt so good to hear perspectives from those who were less fortunate than I am. When I got to take my break from serving food, I sat and ate with the homeless instead of my classmates. I sat down and talked with this guy who had almost nothing and when we ended our conversation he said, "Life is beautiful." That was last straw for me. ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Ginny
- May 22, 2007
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Just A Visit
We live in a retirement complex here in Adelaide.
My daughter and I went to visit the couple who live across the road from us. The woman has recently returned from hospital after having a stroke and she was excited to see my daughter. We spent a long time with them just talking and laughing.
Our visit really bought a smile to her face.
I really enjoyed making this couples day by spending some quality time with them.
- Posted by Ranger2
- May 22, 2007
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The Beggar Poem
On my way to work,my eyes wander to various sights
There always sits a beggar man next to a shop
He sits outstretching his arms
I dig in my pocket to give him alms
The beggar man is my everyday sight
He gives me a smile that is just so right
We are blessed with everything in life
Yet we do not smile as if there is a strife
The beggar has wealth nor health
Yet the smile on his face is heartfelt
For sometime the beggar man is seen nowhere
I feel something missing,
I look around and stare
The shopkeeper tells me he died
Silently I pause,he will no more be in my sight
I will miss him,I do not know why
Seeing him was a habit,
I feel to cry
The beggar man taught me to smile and to forget lifes worry awhile
***based on a true story
- Posted by philip1957
- May 21, 2007
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Secret Valentine
In my 20's I lived with a roommate for over seven years. She never dated nor had a boy friend (though she had one all through high school). I felt bad since I was going steady for most of the time we lived together and knew she'd get sad at times, having no special guy to celebrate and share with and have it reciprocated.
I am a big believer is celebrating birthday, holidays, giving gifts, sending cards, smiling at strangers, saying thank-you, counting your blessings & giving to charity. I became inspired after reading Randam Acts of Kindness.
Anyhow, we both love chocolates .. I mean the "really, good stuff" that is so expensive.
When I moved out with my fiance, I decided to become her Secret Valentine. Every Valentine's Eve, I would place a different chocolate surprise and a special card in her mailbox signing it your "Secret Valentine".
I did this for years and years until I moved away and though she never mentioned it, I knew it brighten her day and made her feel special.
- Posted by brighteyes
- May 20, 2007
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Eating a Kindness Meal!
Every week I cook up a big pot of lentil stew for my lunch each day. I add brown and red lentils, brown rice, split peas, and also fry up onion, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, peppers, soya mince and spices. This ensures I have a power meal, which is vital for me as I am very active.
Anyway, last week I was bringing a container of this super stew to work, and as I left my apartment I saw an elderly lady sitting on the sidewalk.
At first I walked past, but then something made me turn back. I gave her my apple, then realised that while I could afford to buy myself lunch, she couldn't. I gave her the container of lentils, which made me feel just as full somehow as if I'd just eaten a huge meal.
In a way I guess I had - a Kindness Meal!
- Posted by Roxilla
- May 20, 2007
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