Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Poems (and my First Smile Card)

I decided to make cards with smile poems in them, just blank greeting cards I found in the closet. After writing smile poems, I taped smile cards inside. 

My friend and I were walking around town and decided to get coffee at one of those really tiny coffee shops they have randomly around town. The cashier/server was really sweet, like a genuine sweet, not a fake one. So after she gave us our coffee I took out a smile greeting card thing and gave it to her, and told her to read it.

She didn't read it until after she served another customer, giving us time to be far enough away not to see her reaction. More fun that way. :)

1898 Reads

The Gift That Comes Around

During the holidays, our company gives it employees gift certificates to use in thier stores and for a few years now I've received these gift certificates from fellow employees because they know that I use them to help others.  It's a  great way to get your co-workers involved! Anyway, we always have a full store and people shop there to help others, and this day I got to help them help others. A young pastor and his wife were shopping and asked if we could somehow give him a deal because he was buying clothes for 10 people in his church and needed help himself, so I told him I would go and speak with my manager and see what we could do. Being that we work with donated goods, we were able to help him a little and then I remembered the gift certificates that I had in my purse and gave ... Read Full Story >>

1689 Reads

Casserole For My Friend

My girlfriend at work is going through a rough time. Both parents are sick and recently moved in with her. She has two teenage children that are involved in sports and music. So she is constantly running here and there and on demand.  

I couldn't believe my ears when she told me that she had volunteered to teach Religious Ed classes in her home on Wednesday nights for the next 6 weeks ... which happened to be the next day.  I was thinking about her on the way home that night and wondering if she was in her car on the way to some sport event or music lessons.

Then I thought that it would be nice if I made a quick dinner casserole for her family for the next night since she would be having the Religious Ed class in her home. I brought it to work in the morning and she was thrilled and thanked me many times for thinking of her and her family.  They were getting a little tired of eating fast food and pizza and it was going to be nice to eat a warm homemade dinner.

2175 Reads

Sunglasses in the Custodian Closet

I'm new to the Smile Cards, but here's my first experience with the cards. I work in a school and after all the kids are gone for the day a sweet young lady  Claire comes in to clean the school classrooms and offices. I'm there late once a week and I often chat for a few minutes with her.  She always makes me feel so good because she's not full of herself and instead she wants to hear about me or will talk about her children.  Our conversations are always great.  Last week she wasn't her happy self and told me how her husband had lost his job of 15 years and that she didn't know what they would do without his income. I wanted to cheer her up some how, but couldn't think of anything at that time. Later that week I was in a department store I noticed all the pretty summer clothing ... Read Full Story >>

5055 Reads

New Way to Give to Homeless

When a homeless person is standing on the side of the highway, holding up a cardboard sign asking for money, many people simply look away ignore the person.

I know that sometimes I am hesitant to give away money to people on the street, and sometimes I simply can't get out my wallet in time. However, a really easy thing to do is purchase gift certificates for small amounts from places like McDonalds. They offer $1 gift slips there. Buy 10 or 20 of these and keep them in your glove compartment.

The next time you see someone in need, simply hand them a few and encourage them to go get a hot coffee and a burger. This way you know they will get a decent meal and you know they won't use them to buy other things.

Another simple idea is to hand them a granola bar and a juice box. Little things, but they might just keep someone alive another day!

2012 Reads

The Joys of Being a Waitress

As a waitress you meet and see all types of people.  I guess you could call it the melting pot of the highway because the food connects us all. I was about to end my shift one afternoon when a group of people came in.  As they sat down, they explained that they were trying to make it home and just had enough to buy their children a small snack and that all they needed was water. So I showed them a few things on the menu and asked them what they would like. As I walked away to turn in their order, I just couldn't see this family leaving hungry with a snack and some water!  So I asked some friends to join me in helping this family and they agreed because they know how I am when it comes to helping others and it gives them the fuzzy feeling of ... Read Full Story >>

11.3K Reads

Act Quickly on Good Intentions

Last week I was asked to go open the church for one of our members. It was a good warm day, so I decided to walk. 

On the way home I had to pass the home of a neighbor that I knew was in the last stage of cancer. I decided to stop and see how the family was doing.

That was on Monday. Friday the neighbor passed away. That made me realize how important it is to act upon those good intentions we have in our hearts.

2064 Reads

Helping Sally Swim

Each year I volunteer at a camp for children with asthma. Having the condition myself, I went there myself as a camper, then became a counselor when I was of age.  This camp is an wonderful place that I could spend days talking about - it does amazing things to the kids who go through the program. I've met a multitude of unforgettable individuals there, but one child definitely stands out. One year, as a Senior Counselor, I was in charge of one Teams for games and activities. On the first day, the camp director came to talk to me, leading a small girl. For the purposes of this story, I will call her Sally. She was adorable, vivacious, smart, funny, and about 9 years old. And, in additon to asthma, she had sickle cell disease. This meant I had ... Read Full Story >>

5565 Reads

Walking Boots

The other day we heard this story about a man with four children who loved walking.

He noticed that everyone's walking boots were really dirty. So, later that night when everyone had gone to bed he went downstairs and cleaned them completely with water and a scrubbing brush. Then he waxed them all and left them out on the kitchen table to be discovered in the morning.

When his children asked him about it, he said that it must have been Waxclean, the good fairy of walking boots!

2116 Reads

An Amazing Tip At A Coffee Shop

Today I was at our local coffee shop (NOT Starbucks, I might add :] ) and I saw something truly incredible.

The woman in front of me in line was having a friendly conversation with the person working at the shop. All of the sudden, out of the clear blue, this woman decided to hand the clerk a 100 dollar bill as a tip for being so friendly! The woman was very plain looking- her clothes looked worn but clean and she did not appear at all wealthy.

I think this is a terrific example for us to follow. Obviously, not everyone can afford to hand away a hundred dollars everwhere, but we can do the same sort of thing on a smaller scale. Leave generous tips at restaurants. Toss your extra change in the tip jar-- honestly, saving that 26 cents will not benefit you. You can even make a child's day by dropping a nickel or a quarter here and there and everywhere! (make sure it's heads up!)

2632 Reads

A Simple Daily Email

I've been doing this for so many years it just now dawned on me that I guess it would qualify as an Act of Kindness. 

Each morning when I get to work, the first thing I do is find a positive or thought provoking quote, type it up on e-mail and send it out to my "Thoughts to ponder . . ." e-mail group.  Over the years the group changes; when some people leave the company I work for, they specifically ask if I will continue to send them the daily "Thoughts" which I am always happy to do.  Sometimes I hear from a person about how a particular quote really touched them that day, sometimes someone will tell me they just don't get a good start to their day if they don't get to read that days "thought".  Most of the time I don't hear anything but I still know it is making a positive difference in some lives and it doesn't cost a thing!

Today's thought was:  "The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."  --Albert Schweitzer

1653 Reads

Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone

I had the opportunity just recently to step out of my Comfort Zone and take my mother-in-law to the hospital. She has always been an angel to me and has dramatically affected my life - to be a better person.

After spending many hours with her at the hospital (and getting much praise for helping her), I realized she helped me much more.   That night, when I shared some of the stories with my family, tears started rolling down my eyes. 

It was good to experience such an intense feeling of compassion, which I would not have had the opportunity to experience if I did not step out of my comfort zone. I didn't have to be profound - just had to give of myself which is sometimes the hardest thing to do!

I was given So much more - what a blessing.

1574 Reads

One, Two, Three...SMILE!

I remember when a few weeks ago, a few friends of mine and myself decided to go out for dinner at TGIFridays. We were seated next to this group of more mature men and women and they were sitting there, laughing and having a lot of fun.  They were nearing the end of their meal and were beginning to take pictures and I know how sad it is when you're taking a picture with a group and someone is always left out because well, someone has to take the picture!  So I scooted out my chair and tapped one of the guys on the shoulder and asked, "Hi!  Would you like me to take your picture?"  For a second there I got blank looks not only from this group of people but also my friends, hahaha.  The guy then said yes and moved to join his friends while I took ... Read Full Story >>

2405 Reads

I Used My Smile Cards! :0)

I've used Smile Cards three times:

1 & 2 - I live in a secure building which provides 30 apartments. Although I am able to reside here because I have a visual disability, the majority of residents are elderly. One day I randomly picked 2 dates on the calendar and, using the two numbers of the dates selected, I left a nicely wrapped bar of top quality chocolate at their door. Of course, the smile cards were attached, encouraging the receipients to practice their own annonymous act of kindness with someone else.

3 - I donated a warm coat to our local homeless shelter and placed a $20. bill in the pocket. A smile card was attached, along with a typed unsigned note listing acts of kindness that could be performed free of charge.

I LOVE the Smile Cards and think they are a wonderful way to express love for our fellow man, whomever they may be. They are especially helpful in teaching children to do the same.

2050 Reads

The Laundry Fairy

I know it isn't much but I went to do my laundry in the apartment complex that I live in and at one point I walked in and noticed a pile of clothes and some loose change on one of the dryers.

At first, I was going to exchange dimes and nickles for quarters but then I decided not to and I left two dollars in quarters. I felt so corny doing it, but I ran back to my apartment to grab a smile card and left it under the quarters.

WOW. I live in the ghetto, I can only imagine how the person reacted. But I felt good about it. :-)

1688 Reads

Use the Newspaper!

I recently discovered that the newpaper is a great way to get ideas for random acts of kindness.

You can get inspired from almost every section of the paper- call up someone from the classefieds and support them by giving them a small job to do. Look for new stores or websites to visit. The local news sections are really fun to read- the unique and interesting little local stories about everyday people always make you smile, and might inspire you do to something kind for them or anyone!

1483 Reads

Good Things Come In Unexpected Places

I know that a lot of times people are too shy or embarrased to perform very obvious or direct acts of kindness for total strangers.

My favorite way to distribute smile cards is to do it anonymously by leaving them in random places along with a little gift for someone to find. You can slip them in the pages of a book with a colorful homemade bookmark. You can tape one with a dollar bill on a vending machine for the next person to be treaten to a cool drink. Even try tacking one up on a lamp post/telephone pole so that when someone comes along posting up signs for their missing pet, they'll find a little surprise there.

Be creative with the gifts!

2153 Reads

The Crumpled Dollar

When I was working as a waitress at a small resturant by the highway, an older gentlemen came in to purchase a cup of coffee. I recognized him because he was the gentleman who lived under the bridge that was just down the street.

When he came in, he placed a crumpled dollar on the counter and asked if that was enough.  I told him it was plenty, went to get his coffee and handed him a menu at the same time. He looked at me confused and I told him to order what he wanted.

After his meal and a to-go bag with a fresh cup of coffee, he smiled and left.  But as I was cleaning up his place, I noticed the crumpled dollar on the counter.

I stood there and cried because I knew this was probably all he had.

I placed the crumpled one in my apron and pulled out a ten; I asked a friend to catch up with him and give him something from me.  I never saw him again but his smile stays with me even today.

6477 Reads

Bus Driver's Bad Day

Every day I pretty much follow the same routine and my same schedule, see the same people, places and every day things, but today was some how different. I caught the bus as usual and had my usual gruf bus driver but today was different not only for me but for him also. This is a man who puts the word starch in professional and does his job, but today he was upset and agitated, and as usual I did not talk to him, only to say hello, but as I watched him on my ride to work I remembered the card that a kind stranger gave me at work, and thought what a simply  gesture would do for him.  So I gave him the card with the simple words, "Things will get better." I know that I didn't solve his problems or his griefs but just that one little card put a ... Read Full Story >>

1723 Reads

An Extra Recipe Book

I helped someone out today. No biggy, but still, all the same, she was so appreciative. 

Earlier this morning, I bought a recipe magazine from the local shop -- it had one of those sample packs attached to it with sample tea, a big packet of rice noodles & rice bran oil in the bag.   And the shopkeeper gave me an extra one (which made me feel great!).

So, I then took the other one & a whole box of cat food -- which my fussy cat wouldn't eat! -- over to my friends house, who often helps me out.

My friend didn't stop thanking me & I'm glad to be of even the tiniest bit of help to her.


1278 Reads