Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Helpothers Comment That Created a Life Long Memory

I know I have said this before, but please don't ever think your comments or stories don't matter. You never know when your words may make a huge difference to someone else. If you follow the kindness ripple from one comment, you will see what I mean... It started with a comment from someone on one of my stories. Her words were simple, "It reminds me of the song Cinderella by Stephen Curtis Chapman." One of her favorites but one I have never heard. I thought I would give it a listen. Sounded good. Thanks to the internet, I not only found the CD but it turns out there is a small storybook that goes with it to tell the story in the song. I ordered it and let her know that I did. She was very excited for me and that I would get to share this with my 4 ... Read Full Story >>

3085 Reads

Sharing An Illness

I wanted to share with you a poem my husband wrote for me about living with IIH from his perspective. I must admit it moved me to tears.

How I cope with "our" illness,
I really just can't say.
Don't make too many plans,
Try and live just day by day.

Some days there'll be ups,
And some days there'll be downs.
Some days there'll be hospitals,
Drips,tubes and gowns.

I've always been quite mellow,
A chilled out kind of guy.
But it broke my heart in two,
When I thought that she might die.

There's one thing I am sure of,
It's "our" illness not our life.
The other thing I am sure of,
Is Heidi, my friend,my lover,my wife.

It's not like we've got cancer,
And pretty soon we'll die.
Just keep getting up each morning,
Never give up and always try.

1928 Reads

Sandpiper To Bring You Joy

She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach, a distance of three or four miles, whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sand castle or something and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea. "Hello," she said.  I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child. I'm building," she said.  "I see that. What is it?" I asked, not really caring. "Oh, I don't know, I just like the feel of sand." That sounds good, I thought, and slipped off my shoes. A sandpiper glided by.  "That's a joy," the child said. "It's a what?" "It's a joy. My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy." The bird went gliding down the beach. Good-bye joy, I muttered to myself, hello pain, and turned to walk on. ... Read Full Story >>

4657 Reads

Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, 'Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.' I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead 'I will come next Tuesday', I promised a little reluctantly on her third call. Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren. 'Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!' My daughter smiled calmly and said, 'We drive in this all the time, Mother.' 'Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, ... Read Full Story >>

7925 Reads

Running for Change

On sunday it was a typical british summer day, raining. However my family and I, along with thousands of other people across britain that day, dragged ourselves from bed. Why, to run. In the rain around our local dockyard, to raise money for sports relief. This is a fund that is used to benefit disadvantaged children all around the world. Buy them school books maybe even a shool, health care and clean water sources. Just one mile and £50.00 of sponsorship money can give a child in Africa an education. I don't know whether there is anything similar in any other countries but I just wanted to say that if there is, get involved. The feeling that you get when you are out of breath, cold, and soaking wet is great, because you know that it has made some sort of difference.  Every little helps.

A big well done to everyone that took part. love chuckles xxxooo.


1864 Reads

Caught In the Train Tracks

I was speaking with my sister on the phone last night and we got into a conversation about her work. She works in a market. I asked her how come her market doesn't have wheel chairs with baskets. She wasn't sure why but explained to me when someone comes in the store in a wheel chair they offer personal assistance and a worker will walk around the store with them and shop, helping with reaching hard to get items. What a nice way for someone in that situation to connect with folks I thought. Conversation while shopping and getting to know one another personally. My sister ended up telling me she saw one of the regular wheel chair shoppers while driving home. He appeared to be caught on the train track as cars just rode by him in the slow rain that day. It was an area where the train would have been ... Read Full Story >>

1974 Reads

An Unexpected Gift For My Grandchildren

One of my daughters gave birth to twin boys a couple of months ago. This was a bit of a surprise even to her because they didn't find the second heart-beat until a month before they were due. This, of course, means needing twice as much baby stuff. Last evening she went to the laundry mat to do up what clothes they did have. The twins are always getting attention wherever they go and the laundry mat was no exception. A couple of ladies were making over them when one of the ladies left to go out to her car and came back with a bag full of really nice baby boy clothes including 2 sets of Micheal Jordan tennis shoes! The girl said she had these in her car forever and didn't know what she was gonna do with them other than donating them to Goodwill. God sure works wonders, doesn't he?

2345 Reads

If I Had To Raise Our Child Again

If I Had my Child To Raise Over Again   IF I had my child to raise all over again, I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later. I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less. I would do less correcting and more connecting. I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes. I would care to know less and know to care more. I'd take more hikes and fly more kites. I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play. I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars, I'd do more hugging and less tugging. I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often, I would be firm less often, and affirm much more. I'd model less about the love of power, And more about the power of love.   --Diane Loomans ... Read Full Story >>

36.4K Reads

Strange Coincidences

Usually, I give $85 of every check to my church. Well, the last two checks, I either forgot my checkbook or hadn't gone to church, so I have $170 budgeted to go somewhere other than my needs.

Today, my friend got online and asked a huge favor--she just started a second job and doesn't get paid til next Thursday, but rent is due today; can she borrow $150?

Well how bout that--she sure can! Is God cool or what?

Happy weekend, all!

2645 Reads

Victim Treats His Mugger Right

Julio Diaz has a daily routine. Every night, the 31-year-old social worker ends his hour-long subway commute to the Bronx one stop early, just so he can eat at his favorite diner. But one night last month, as Diaz stepped off the No. 6 train and onto a nearly empty platform, his evening took an unexpected turn. He was walking toward the stairs when a teenage boy approached and pulled out a knife. "He wants my money, so I just gave him my wallet and told him, 'Here you go,'" Diaz says. As the teen began to walk away, Diaz told him, "Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something. If you're going to be robbing people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you warm." The would-be robber looked at his would-be victim, "like what's going on here?" Diaz says. "He asked me, 'Why are you doing ... Read Full Story >>

9060 Reads

Poem on Every Smile

everything going on in the world is because of someone,
because of you, because of me.
we are all to blame.
every cutter, every suicide, every explosion.

we are also responsible for all the good things,
every hug, smile, laugh, a feeling of acceptance.
happiness is just a state of mind,
when we dwell on the negatives, not the positives,
it makes life a lot harder, it makes things worse.

but when we open our eyes,
look to the sky
open our minds and souls
we see, that it's just a beatutiful day.

things in this world need to change,
we need to do somthing.
but we need to fix ourselves, first.
you can't help someone else, until you help yourself

3268 Reads

Where's The Jelly?

I just came in from the grocery store. I only needed one item but the woman in line before me had spent more than the money she had in her hand.  As she checked out her 2-3 packed bags, she asked the cashier to put the jelly back so she would have enough money to cover the bill. As she paid, I looked at her and told her I was going to buy that jelly for her. She said, "Oh no, you don't have to. I just didn't grab enough money when I left my home." I looked at her and happily said, "That's okay.  Perhaps you could return the favor to someone else."  Caught up in the spirit of generosity, she tried to offer me something else until she landed upon an idea -- "Can I give you some of my "Turkey points?"   At this store, they give you Turkey ... Read Full Story >>

6051 Reads

Trees DO grow in Brooklyn!

Almost forty years ago, back on 12th Street between 8th Ave and Prospect Park West in Brooklyn, a group of people decided to hold a block party.  The money raised was for planting trees on each side of the street. 

And so we planted some trees.  The trees were so small, they were almost comical!  Still, they meant a lot to a small group of teenagers who lived on the block.  Teenagers like me.

Fast forward some years, and the last time I went back to Brooklyn, I actually saw those little saplings turn into beautiful, full grown, majestic trees! 

I looked up to the sky and thanked God for such a creation, for giving life to such a small seed planted in the hearts of a few people so many years ago!


4073 Reads

Three Homeless Men

A friend of mine in Chicago sent me an e-mail with her description of an uplifting event that she witnessed... "And talking about beautiful...yesterday I was witness to such a heartwarming random act of kindness. It will forever be imprinted in my mind. I had to run downtown to help Bonnie out for a few hours (it was not part of my original plans for Monday). On my bus ride back to the train station, we were in gridlock traffic right by the opera house. As I stare out my window a handsome young man (25ish to 30ish) walks out of the side door of the Opera House. It's cold and windy outside. He has on a heavy army-issued jacket and a scarf wrapped around his neck. As he's walking towards the bridge there are three homeless men with their cups, each sitting maybe 15 feet from one other. The young man ... Read Full Story >>

13.2K Reads

A Can of Coke at the Laundromat

I was at the laundramat the other day and the cutest little guy was in there with his Mom.   As he watched TV and trying to help his mom, I learned that his name was Jay.

Jay told his Mom he was thirsty and she told him he'd have to wait a while to get a drink.  A short time later, he asked again and got the same response.  So I approached his Mom and said, "You know, my own son is all grown up now and living so far away. I really miss him. Would you allow me the pleasure of buying your son a soda pop?" She smiled and thanked me, saying yes, calling her son over.

I bought Jay the soda then asked, with his Mom's permission, if he would hand out some smile cards to people he saw that needed a smile. He agreed so I gave him some cards, reminding him not to talk to strangers unless his Mom was with him.

His Mom and I chatted while we finished our laundry and then I left, not only with a warm feeling over buying him the soda, but because it made me miss my own son a wee bit less ... and I made a new friend to boot!

2702 Reads

From The Heart, Thoughts By John Mayer

John Mayer, a popular singer/song writer, recently wrote this on his personal blog and I thought I'd share... FROM THE HEART…. I need to write this. I've been traveling alone in Japan for the better part of three weeks now, and It's been so remarkable an experience for me that I can't book a ticket home yet. I haven't spoken very much out loud these days, but I've been thinking to myself in what feels like surround sound. I can see so many things clearly, and feel so connected to myself and the world around me that I need to share the perspective with you. I'm already aware that when I sing, say or write anything, 50 percent of the response will be in support of it and the other 50 will want to discount it. This blog, though, is directed to 100 percent of people reading it. If my blog truly does have ... Read Full Story >>

4372 Reads

An Inspiring Little Boy

     Once a 10 years old kid went to an Ice cream-Corner. He sat near a table and asked the waiter," How much for an ice cream cone please?" Waiter replied, "25 Rupees."
     The kid started counting his money. Later he asked the price of small ice cream cup. The waiter a little bit annoyingly said," 20 Rupees."
     The boy said," I would like the small ice cream cup." The boy ate the ice cream, paid the bill and went away.
     The waiter went to pick up his empty cup and what he saw there shocked him and tears came in his eyes. Near the cup, the boy had kept 5 Rupees as his tip.
     Before ordering for ice cream, the boy had cared for the waiter. The boy had showed qualities of respect and caring. Before thinking for himself he thought for others.

     If we all started thinking for others, like the small child, how beautiful the world would become!! Think of others and give them polite and loving behaviour with a smile!

1754 Reads

Unblocking a Traffic Jam

I was driving to the store in the evening when it's frequently back-to-back traffic on the narrow street I like to take.  This night was even worse than usual, but since it was dark I couldn't tell what was going on until I got right up on top of the problem.    There was an old car which had apparently conked out and since there is only one lane going in either direction, every one behind him was stuck.  The on-coming lane was thick with it's normally heavy traffic and none of them was giving any of the blocked cars a chance to enter their lane to go around the dead car.   When I was able to edge forward far enough to turn onto a side street, I parked and ran over to the driver of the stranded car and told him I would help.  I waved to the cars behind him (since the car was going uphill) and got them to ... Read Full Story >>

1752 Reads

1 Hour = New Life

One of my tenants has passed through a  bad patch after her husband started neglecting the family by not going to work.  She finally left her husband and is now faced with raising their 3 children by herself. Last week I made it a point to dedicate some time to her.  She has not been working for a long time and it is difficult for her to get any social benefits. I picked her up from her rented apartment and took her to my wife’s boss who needs someone to take care of his home. Everything went very well and he gave her the job right there and then. Then I drove her to his house so that she would not get lost the next day which was to be her first day of work. I have also granted her permission to accommodate language students to generate some extra income ... Read Full Story >>

1572 Reads

Halloween Candy Robbery

Last year, when my son and I were out trick-or-treating on Halloween, we saw two young girls ahead of us.  One was dressed as an angel and one was a cowgirl; as they reached the corner of the street, two teenage punks ran by and stole the girls candy.  The older one ran after them and the younger one started to cry.  (They were obviously almost finished, as their bags were full.) 

My little boy went up to the little girl and gave her and her sister ALL of his candy. 

By this time, the little girl crying had attracted a lot of attention.  All the neighbors chipped in and everyone went home with plenty of candy.  

As for the thugs -- in a small town like this, everyone knows each other and they made restitution by means of community service.  And my little boy, he's known by his heart of pure gold -- I am so proud!

2012 Reads