Musical Chairs on the Bus
I was going home by bus when I saw this unknown girl and her boyfriend from University heading home too. It seemed like they had planned a lot of things for Valentines Day and wanted to be with each other. I was seated on the bus in seats that are reserved for women, and the girl had no choice but to take the seat in this section next to me. I asked her if she wanted me to move in front so that she could sit with her boyfriend. She smiled a really wide smile and told me that she felt it was a very thoughtful thing.
So I swapped my first chair .
Soon , (I commute two-hours) I saw a fantastic and kind maths teacher of mine (who taught me a very long time back) standing without a seat. I gladly gave him mine. :)
He looked pleased that his old student recognized him.
So some small things on the bus journey. :)
- Posted by guin
- Feb 27, 2007
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Make a Special Night Even Better
One of my favorite anonymous acts is to pay for meals in a restaurant. A few years ago I was at a Ruth's Chris restaurant with my project team for a team Christmas dinner. Where I was sitting, my view of the other dinners was via a mirror in front of me. It was a Wednesday night about 3 weeks before Christmas so there were only about 6 other table occupied. About 10 minutes before we left, a young couple came in dressed pretty formally. I happened to look in the mirror just as the woman looked at the menu. I saw her lean over to her date and whisper "It's so expensive!". I usually pick a table that's already eating their dinners so I can get their check from the restaurant. As we left I asked the host to get the manager. I told him I wanted to pay for their ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by ssn585
- Feb 27, 2007
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Supermarket Bagging
In British supermarkets, it is not usual for the staff to help with bagging the groceries, like it is in some other countries I have lived in.
At the checkout counter the other day, I was behind a mother of a toddler who was tired, grouchy, and needed to be held on her hip. I could see that she would have difficulty putting her groceries onto the conveyer belt and then have even more trouble to put the stuff into bags. I therefore offered to empty her trolley and proceeded to bag her groceries. I told her that I remember how it was when my children were little.
Of course she was grateful and she said that she would do the same for me one day. I gave her a smile card and told her to just help someone else out another time when she saw the need, but that it could be with anything, even something simple like giving money.
The thing is that I was in a hurry to leave the shop, because I was running behind time; but by helping her it speeded my way through the checkout.
- Posted by violetangel
- Feb 26, 2007
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Children of The Lab
I work in a medical building right next door to a lab whose primary mission is to draw blood from all ages of patients.
Our walls are really thin and I can hear babies and young children crying, wailing the most desperate, betrayed kind of wail. It really gets to me.
So I went to The Dollar Tree store & bought cuddly, soft Teddy Bears in different colors. When I hear the lab office door open, I walk out and hand the teddy bear to the traumatized baby or child and tell them, "We are so PROUD of you! What a brave boy/girl you are!"
Some kids, believe it or not, don't trust another human being coming out of an office so don't want the bear. Some hug it right away. Most stop crying...I'm not sure who appreciates it more - the child or the parent!
- Posted by carol
- Feb 26, 2007
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Breakfast Kindness
I grew up in a very poor family. Both my parents worked various odd jobs just to pay the rent, so I rarely had breakfast.
I was in Grade 4 and I passed out in class. I woke up in the nurse's room and after answering many questions, they figured out that a poor nutrition was the cause of my fainting.
Two university students volunteered at our school to tutor us in English. After learning that many of the students didn't eat breakfast or lunch on a regular basis, they started a committee to fundraise for a breakfast and lunch program. After only a few weeks, I was able to eat healthy regular meals.
I am forever grateful to Keith and Helen, for making a difference in the lives of young children. I know that Keith went on to become a social worker, and Helen became a teacher. If they are reading this, I want to thank them again, for all they did for my classmates and me.
Acts of kindness don't have to hit the front pages of the newspapers, or receive awards. But I wanted to share this experience, because it really made a difference in my life.
- Posted by James L.
- Feb 25, 2007
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A new project
I have a friend who has had some tough luck last few years. It is a long story that involves a very low paying job, an unexpected pregnacy, a husband who left her, major surgery with no insurance, losing her job, going on public assistance, a teenage son feeling abandoned, and then as a final blow, the husband divorcing her and taking the teenage son to another state. She did not have money to purchase milk, much less, fight for custody of her oldest son. As she was recouperating from surgery on both of her legs, she realized she needed to do something dramatic. She decided to attend a health care school so that she could attempt to make a better life for her family. She accepted a loan from the school and a grant from the school. It would take her 3 years to finish the courses needed. She ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by austinfriends2
- Feb 25, 2007
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People on the Corner
Many years ago my observant 7 year old was in our car on her way to school. This particular day we drove by many displaced/homeless people who were asking for help. She asked why the same people were asking for help everyday and why no one was helping. I really did not have an uncomplicated answer to this question. So I decided to ask her how she thought she could help. This beautiful little girl had so many ideas flowing out of her I couldn't keep up. There were a few good ideas flying past me just as the time did that morning. The next day on the morning trip to school my daughter asked me to stop at each corner where a homeless person stood. I asked why but was quickly informed to wait and see. Stop #1 - I rolled down my widow and asked the gentleman to come ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Faye
- Feb 24, 2007
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Just A Cell Phone
A few years ago I was driving to an interview which was supposed to start at 9:00am.
I had the address, but somehow just could not find it. After two or three attempts, it was now 8:55 am, I pulled into an office building and discovered I was not far from my destination.
I was panicking since my interview and was rushing out when I was stopped by a man coming out of that building. He must have seen the panic in my eyes and offered me his cellphone so I could call and explain.
If it had not been for this kind stranger I would have made a very bad impression at the interview. I did get the job and I wish I could have thanked the gentleman but in the stress I was under I never thought of getting his name.
- Posted by Purabi Das
- Feb 24, 2007
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Best friends
I have decided to try out at least one weekly act of kindness.
My best friend has not been feeling very well so I convinced her to come with me to a workshop of handcraft jewerly - a simple thing just for fun.
Do you remember when we were kids and we could spend hours making little things for us or for others, with no other value than the beauty of love, creativity and fun? That's how we spent our morning, yesterday, in this workshop.
When it was over, I finally saw a big smile on her face that I haven't seen that much lately. She enjoyed it so much she decided to get herself some materials and go home and do little things for the entire family!
Although we know each other very well, she doesn't know I did this to see her smile. I decided not to tag her and instead do it with someone else I have in mind. But maybe life puts a stranger on my way this next week. I'll be attentive!
- Posted by Nixa
- Feb 24, 2007
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Musical surprise
One of the many dedicated administrative assistants in my office was tagged this week. The admin is a great asset to our department and handles lots of requests, well beyond the requirements of her job. She's a great person and I've seen her get teary-eyed one or two occasions over things going on in her personal life, especially more recently. She deserves something to cheer her up!
So, I left a CD with music that she would like on her chair at work with a smile card inside. I noticed a constant smile on her face the next day - maybe she was wondering which person in the office left her the CD or maybe not....either way I felt that her spirits were lifted if not for just a day.
- Posted by yamamotosan
- Feb 23, 2007
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Help From A Lawyer
I grew up making many bad choices. At the age of 16, I was facing jail for some criminal charges, and had already been kicked out of school.
I was a runaway, on my own, but my criminal lawyer was a young lady, fresh out of school. She convinced the prosecutor and judge to give me a second chance. After that, she helped me look for a job, and get a room in a boarding house.
She stayed in touch with me for months, making sure I was on the right track. I am now 33 and working full time as a mechanic, after finishing high school and completing my mechanics certification in college. I am raising a family, and have two beautiful children.
I cannot say enough about the lawyer who helped me. Her kindness helped me turn my life around. I will not provide her name, but I read in the newspaper that she was recently appointed as a judge.
How fitting for a person who dedicated her life to helping the underdog. If you're reading this, thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.
- Posted by John Sinclair
- Feb 23, 2007
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A little bit of sunshine on a rainy day
I work with a delightful lady called Diana. Yesterday, a young couple looking for a rental property with two small children came into our friendly real estate office sopping wet from the rain. My husband and I own and run our little office. It was raining heavily and this young couple had an 18 month old little boy and a baby girl in a pram. My husband took them in our car to see a little house we thought they may be able to rent. Diana offerred to mind the baby in our office. The little girl's mother was embarrassed as she explained why her baby was naked except for a nappy - wrapped in a bunny rug, as all her clothes were wet. After the couple left, Diana said "I am going to pop out and get the baby some clothes". Sure enough she did just that and 20 minutes later ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by dawnmilleyhunt
- Feb 23, 2007
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Soulful Strut At MidDay
My wife opens the doors and says, "Man, that lady must be having a really bad day. She was really rude." After a slight pause, she adds, "What she really needs is someone to tag her." "Well, let's do it!", I proposed in an excited tone. "Who is this lady anyhow? Any ideas of what she would like?" Two minutes, later: Operation Mid-Day Chocolate to Lady Behind the Counter. I get a box of new chocolates from the refrigerator and think up a note to write about. As my wife was walking to an errand earlier in the downtown area, she said the usual "how are you" to a homeless man -- Ronnie -- on the streets; oddly enough, the man responded, "Could be better .... but can't complain." While returning, she saw him from a distance and thought of ways to "better" his day. With her usual smile, she ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by keymaker
- Feb 22, 2007
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Dress Shirt, Tie and Socks
After landing my first full time job after graduating from college, I bought a brand new suit at a local boutique.
It was obvious to the owner that it was my first suit, so he made sure I felt comfortable with my decision, and said I could return it and have it exchanged. When the suit was delivered to my house, it had an extra dress shirt, tie, and dress socks attached with a note:
"You have to have these items to complete the picture. These are on the house."
To Marco, thank you for that gesture. It was very thoughtful, and meaningful to a young kid who had just started working. I regularly refer my friends to the store, not for the suits, but for the person selling them.
- Posted by Vincent Chia
- Feb 22, 2007
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Sharing with a homeless man
I was really moved when I saw an old man. He used to previously do gardening and other odd jobs around our area and earn a living. Apparently his famiy has now deserted him since he is no longer young and able. He was wearing just a tattered vest and a dirty veshti (cloth tied around the waist). I felt very sad when I saw him wipe his thick dark glasses and hands with this very dirty shirt. I went home and brought him a nice shirt belonging to my dad. He felt very touched. Since he occupies a pavement in front of a neighbourhood temple that is visited very often, I thought that maybe people would be compassionate. But he told me that he goes without food for several days. Below him there was a filthy orange that someone had given him. I brought him a loaf of bread. Since then on ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by guin
- Feb 22, 2007
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Give One, Get Two Skates Free
In December, I went to the Cavalcade of Lights at Nathan Philips Square. As I was sitting at the side of the rink taking off my skates, a little boy about 6 or 7 walks up and asks "Are those your skates?"
I answered ‘Yes’ and wondered if he thought I had stolen his skates, since I wear boys hockey skates. He said: "Oh, I don't have skates." For some reason, I blurted, "Do you want mine?"
I told him to first ask his mom. He ran away excited and his mom asked if it was really okay [and I said yes.] He was jumping up and down in excitement. After he put on the skates, I watched him take off with a big smile.
Two weeks later I was in the recycling room in our condo. Residents leave items for others to salvage. I found two Bauer boxes with new skates, both in my size!
I gave one pair to a friend who was there the evening I gave the boy my used skates. She shook her head and said: “You give away one pair, and you get back two”!
- Posted by J. Madden
- Feb 21, 2007
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Winning versus humanity
It was a sports stadium. Eight children were standing on the track to participate in the running event. * Ready! * Steady! * Bang!!! With the sound of the toy pistol, all eight girls started running. Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down. Due to bruises and pain she started crying. When the other seven girls heard this sound, they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back. They all ran back to the place where the girl fell down. One among them bent down, picked up the girl, kissed her gently and enquired 'Now pain must have reduced'. All seven girls lifted the fallen girl and pacified her. Two of them held the girl firmly and all seven girls joined hands together and walked together and reached the winning post. The officials were shocked. The thousands of spectators filling the stadium clapped. ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Satish
- Feb 21, 2007
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Investing in People
Today, an incoming email gave a 'success confirmation' to one of the greatest ‘small investments’ of my life. No, it wasn’t a car, a house, or a new gizmo. I chose to invest in a human being who needed working capital to pull herself out of poverty. Her emotionally connective story was posted on a website of a SF based non-profit, Six months ago, I made a micro-loan to this seamstress, Deisy Hernandez of Mexico. Today, Deisy made a full ‘repayment’ on my $25 investment; but, rather than extracting, Stella Nogiomwan of Nigeria benefited from my personal choice to ‘re-invest’ those funds into her business which will take 6-12 months to prosper and repay me. Through this experience, I’ve learned that people are good if you just inspire them to take action and provide them a platform to do good. You see who your money is going towards – ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by rupamodi
- Feb 20, 2007
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An Unforgettable Accident
In 1974. I was 19 and had come to Toronto to find work. My first evening, my friend and I were driving in the rain in the Dundas St. W and Bloor area. My car, a 1969 green Malibu, slid off a streetcar rail, into another car.
I caused substantial damage to my car and the other car, which was newer than my own. In the 70s, we could buy $25 insurance coverage called FINE, that allowed us to drive without insurance. I had no insurance, only this FINE.
The Judge told me to make arrangements to pay this man's damages. It was a large sum of money which I did not have. The man bought me a coffee, asking about my financial situation, told me to drive safely and wished me luck. He told me that he had once been young and waived all costs for his car. God puts the right people in out path, to teach US kindness to others.
- Posted by Regent
- Feb 20, 2007
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Birthday celebrations
I had my 25th birthday last week. I am tired of drunken debaucheries :) so 8 of us got together and decided to do something nice for the people who pick up the phone when we call the college shuttle. It is because of them that we are able to go from one place to another in this freezing cold.
We made posters saying - "Thank you for all you do", "Your help is appreciated!" and others. We bought coffee, cakes, cookies, and chocolates and decided to take it to the shutte headquarters.
It was a blast -- haven't seen sooo many unexpected smiles in a looooonggggg time!
It was indeed the best birthday ever :-)
- Posted by silver
- Feb 20, 2007
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