Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Chico The Wonder Dog!

I live in Los Angeles now.  I drive a car now. Driving a car in Los Angeles can be a bit like running with the bulls in Pamplona. Crowded.  Frenetic.  Lots of horns.  And my mind can race with it—race to things I have to do, things I want to see, people to help, money to make, bills to pay, runs to take, emails to write, life to live.  Fast, unfocused, noisy.  On the worst days, ungenerous and unkind.   And so it was as I drove down crowded Lincoln Boulevard not long ago.  I was driving the speed limit, on my way to a client--not late but not early—I needed to keep moving.  And suddenly, before I knew it, there was a small dog running out into the street.   Running right toward my car, I couldn’t swerve because of traffic—I slammed on the brakes, skidded, held my breath…and none of ... Read Full Story >>

6356 Reads

Sunflower and a Frog

He took it out from around his neck and leaned down a bit, his eyes looking straight into mine. "Would you mind?" he asks. Looking at him through his eye glasses, I smile and say, "Of course not, Lee. It would be an honor." And with that, I was garlanded -- probably for the first time in my life -- with a simple necklace. Lee is the epitome of a happy-go-lucky guy. He used to be a trucker, I think. If there were one word to describe him, it would be happy. Or joyous. And what a pure heart. In one of those fits of unadulterated compassion, he just felt like giving me something. So he takes off his own necklace and offers it to me. It was far from an ordinary necklace. In a small town of Oregon, Lee met a Japanese-American fellow selling small hand-made, glass items. While conversing with ... Read Full Story >>

8318 Reads

A Dropped Quarter

The other day, my sister accidentally dropped a quarter while leaving the grocery store.  To her surprise, an elderly man came out of the grocery store behind her, holding another quarter in his hand. The elderly man handed his quarter to my sister thinking that it was the quarter that she had dropped.  My sister informed him that it was a mistake and told the man to keep his quarter.  The man then informed my sister that he didn't need the quarter because he had already saved over 9,000 quarters to follow his dream of driving across the country.  He then said regrettably that he was now too old to drive across country and had decided to spend the money on purchasing a TV instead.  As the old man slowly  walked away, it occurred to my sister that a friend of hers had traveled across country by train.  My sister quickly ... Read Full Story >>

2525 Reads

An Interesting Ride to the Airport

I was driving home from work and was queued up on the entrance ramp to the freeway, when I saw a car pulled off to the side - smoke pouring out from under the hood.  A man, with a very pregnant wife and small girl were standing nearby looking extremely distraught.  I pulled over and offered my cell phone so the man could call a towing service.  While he was making calls, I found out that they were on their way to the airport to pick up the wife's mom, who was flying in from Europe.  The wife had a bad cold AND was crying because they were obviously not going to be able to meet her mom on time and they had no way of letting her know what was going on. I had no schedule to meet and the airport was on my way home so it seemed like a ... Read Full Story >>

1995 Reads
  • Posted by FalseMonkeyPuzzle
  • Feb 20, 2008
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Carrying A Kid Down the Stairs

Two years ago we took the kids to see a pantomime at a local theater.  As everyone was piling out of the theater after the show was over, I spotted a distressed mother at the top of the stairs with her teenage boy in a wheelchair. She seemed upset, insisting the theater staff had assured her they would have someone there to help her and her son down the stairs.

I offered to help and picked her son up in my arms while she followed with the folded down-chair. All the way I kept up a conversation with the boy despite not understanding a word he said. The poor boy didn't have control of his limbs and kicked me all the way down the narrow, crowded stairs.

After safely seeing the boy and his mother down the stairs, my wife expressed gratitude for what I had done.  Upon reflecting on her reaction, I realized that what I had done was not special or out of the ordinary. He was a human being and I was a human being and both deserved to be treated with the same degree of respect and compassion.  I hoped that someone would have extended me the same courtesy if I were in that position. 

1985 Reads

The Security Guard's Idea!

Ten years ago, I was dissatisfied with my job working as a Vice President at a bank.  Often, due to my standing as Vice President, I'd watch someone greet me respectfully but then turn around and respond dismissively to a fellow employee.  In reaction to this obvious inequity, I made it a point to be even more respectful of individuals who were below me on the corporate ladder.  One of these individuals was a security guard who oversaw the parking lot of the building where my office was located.  This man was consistently gracious to everyone and it was easy to think of him as a friend. During this time, I had 2 dogs, one of which was very old, blind, deaf, and  had a bad heart.  I couldn't leave him at home alone so I began sneaking him and my other dog into my office every day.  The security guard, ... Read Full Story >>

12.0K Reads

Paying With Conversation

As I was waiting for the bus, I saw a shuttle rickshaw and decided to hope in.  Inside, I found a mother sitting with her daughter. The little girl was absolutely precious -- all dressed up in a new outfit, her hair done, new shoes and a purse on her lap. I began talking to the little girl. They were headed to her aunt's house to celebrate the holiday.  She happily pointed out her school on route and told me about her shoes that squeak when she walks.  Her enthusiasm and smile were absolutely heartwarming. While conversing, I noticed something unusual. The driver wasn't stopping at the bus stops en route to pick up more passengers. In my mind, I began to think if this trip was going to cost more than the bus fare.  "Maybe I should have asked how much it was going to be before I jumped in," ... Read Full Story >>

3510 Reads

Dealing With An Empty Nest

Our son and his girlfriend of two years are heading back to college after surprising us by showing up to visit for a week.  I know that his budget is stretched to the max, and he won't be home for the holidays because of his busy work schedule in school.   Because we are close family, knowing that they won't be able to be with us over the holidays is tough. 

So, I  have been tucking little gifts, notes & treats into their carry-on luggage for them to find.  Some of the stuff is useful, some frivolous, some say "don't open til Thanksgiving, or Christmas as the case may be. 

Hopefully, those little pieces of my heart will help them not miss home, and the thought of them finding the little gifts might help this lonely mom feel less blue!

1930 Reads

A Little Elbow Grease

A few weeks ago I went on a short vacation with my fiance to visit his older brother who lives about 300 miles from us. I'd never met the man before, so I was a bit anxious. I knew that the fellow had lost his wife several years ago, but what I didn't know was that he had nearly completely shut down. Although still able to work, he was completely unable to look after the house. Memories of his wife still haunt him today. It is my habit to try to pitch in wherever I visit. I was raised to help with dishes after a meal and to offer help whenever visiting anyone. Well, I had the opportunity to do just that! Likely because I was a stranger to him, this man opened up to me about his wife like he hadn't to his family. I offered to try to make ... Read Full Story >>

2754 Reads

Immeasurable Generosity from a Friend

My husband died in 1998 and the following year found me incredibly depressed, desperately lonely and totally overwhelmed.  I was living over 2,000 miles from my family, and his family had disappeared as if I had the plague.  My sister and my friends had been trying to get me to sell and move for several months and a close friend invited to move to the town where she lived.  Though I knew I should sell (I couldn't keep the place up), it was impossible for me to consider, as there was no way I could handle the mortgage until it sold, and also pay for an apartment.   My friend invited me into her home, to live there with her, free of charge.  She has a large, beautiful home, and though I seriously considered it, I didn't want to "put her out" or become a burden, and told her it could take months or even years to sell ... Read Full Story >>

5210 Reads

Thank God For Dirty Dishes

When I was a little girl, I remember taking trips to West Virginia every year whenever my father got his vacation. One particular year, Mom didn't go with us. I don't remember why, but I figure because they were fighting which happened a lot. We visited Grandma and Grandpa and on the drive back home to Indy, we stopped at a souvenior stand to get something for Mom. Dad let each of us girls [there were the three of us] choose something we thought she might like. I don't recall what my sisters choose but I remember picking out this wooden plaque. On it was this poem; Thank God for dirty dishes, For they have a tale to tell, While others may go hungry, We're still eating well. With health,hope and happiness We really shouldn't fuss For by the stack of evidence God's been very good to us! I remember Mom really liking the plaque and she hung it above her ... Read Full Story >>

8516 Reads

The Anonymous Santa Claus

Every year our office "chips in" to buy the toys for a needy family in out city.  Usually, we don't want to know who the family is but this last year we came to know one particular family. This family of three children did not have a bed for one of the children; she was sleeping on the couch with a chair by it so she would not fall off.  Hearing this, I called our local furniture store and told them the story.  They offered to donate a bed and a mattress, so I picked it up to deliver it to the family in need. The family's apartment was almost a shack and it was obvious that they had next to nothing.  Now ,every year, I split my Christmas bonus with my wife each year and we decide to go out and spend it in whichever way we're moved to.  That year I took my half, ... Read Full Story >>

2107 Reads

Say Thank You From Me

My hubby (Don) and I were at the store just getting snacks for our children and picking up a few items we needed.

As were getting snack bars we couldn't help but overhear this young couple talking about what kind of snacks won't melt. They were trying to figure out which ones "he" (perhaps one of their brother) would like.

After a few minutes of picking up our items and listening to them, my husband pulled out a ten and handed it to the young lady.  He said, "It's not much but send him something he would like and say thank you from me."  This "he" was a soldier, serving out in the fields.

What my husband did wasn't grand but it brought tears to the young lady's eyes. It was nice to be there for that, and to watch my husband (who sometimes holds onto money like there will never be more!) reach out to a stranger in gratitude for” him” being a solider and serving his fellow people.

2121 Reads

Waiting At The Hospital

I was at the hospital for a doctor's appointment and no matter when you get to the hospital, you know you will have to wait.  So I generally carry some books and magazine to read and share with other people.  It does help the wait, for sure. :) Lately, I have been re-reading childrens classics so I just happened to have some with me.   A little girl noticed I was reading bedtime stories and very innocently asked, "Why are you reading bedtime stories during the day?" I figured it was a good question. :)  "I like to read books of all kinds, no matter what time of the day it is," I replied.  When I asked her if she had read that book before, she said no.  So I asked her if she would like to have the book to read?   She was so happy to get such a nice book and ... Read Full Story >>

2609 Reads

Valentine's Day Wisdom

Here's a poem that you might enjoy reading:

Valentine's Day Poem

16.4K Reads

Driveway Turns Into A Beach

A dear friend was only weeks away from death from cancer. She said she was sorry she wouldn't be able to see the ocean again and get her toes in the sand. We live in Central Virginia and she was unable to travel so the trip to the coast wasn't going to happen. Some of us decided the solution was pretty simple. We would surprise her and bring the beach to her. The beach included three tons of beautiful white sand dumped in her driveway, two cabanas, beach balls, pails, shovels, beach chairs, a variety of decorations and a fire pit for the bonfire on the beach at night. Of course we had s'mores on the beach. We also rented a sno-cone machine since it had gotten to the point where flavored ice was about all she was able to eat. We ... Read Full Story >>

6460 Reads

A Sweet Afternoon

Last week, I had stopped to get the mail before going to pick up my son from school.  Included in my mail was a coupon for a free chocolate bar. After picking up my son, I saw a student sitting all alone on the side walk waiting to be picked up.  I thought it would be a good idea to offer her the free coupon.  She flashed a big smile when I handed it to her and said thanks.

When my son and I returned home, what did we see in the refrigerator?!?  The same exact candy bar.  I guess my husband had gone to the store the night before!!! : ) 

What goes around comes around.  It was a sweet afternoon indeed! : )

3250 Reads

A Simple Rule Since I was 12

Since I was 12, I've had a simple rule -- remember birthdays!  So, if I know a person's name, I consider it my duty to remember the person's birthday (family, friend and otherwise). One characteristic EVERY human being has is the need to feel special, significant and appreciated, and what better way and time to make a friend, neighbor, client, co-worker, your child's teacher, or even the cashier at your neighborhood grocery store feel special than by simply remembering their birthday each year. Talk about putting an instant smile on that person's face, if only but once a year.  It brightens their day and it brings so much personal joy to me each time I do it.  And because I know so many people, I'm pretty much telling someone happy birthday every month of the year.  I'm now 30-something, so I guess you could call me the "Happy B-Day Diva"! And here's a ... Read Full Story >>

5918 Reads

The Crying Baby

Today was dreary day in Seattle.  It is the start of our rainy season. While I was at the supermarket, standing in line, a young mother with a small child was behind me.  The child must have been 3 months or so; and man, she was crying!  And I mean crying. The young mother did absolutely nothing to calm this child; it was almost as if she didn't know what to do. Usually when a child cries like this -- and I know this from experience -- it is either because the child is bored or hungry.  So I turned around and started to talk to this child. And all of a sudden -- she stopped crying!  In fact, she began to smile and laugh. The mother asked me what I did and I said, "Well, I talked to her."  She replied that she never thought of this.  As a single mother working two jobs, she ... Read Full Story >>

2687 Reads

Twelve Minute Cab Ride To Penn Station

"Penn Station," I told the cab driver.  The young, heavy-set man peered at me through his sunglasses and motioned me to get in. "I've got to get to JFK airport by 2:30PM.  You think I'll be able to get there via LIRR or should I cab it all the way?" I ask him, as I get comfortable in the back seat.  "Hmmm.  You should be okay.  Yeah, you'll make it.  It will be much cheaper to take the train," he replied in a mild South Asian accent. "Thanks," I told him.  Given his engaging nature, we naturally started a conversation, which went from the weather and quickly veered into the struggles of a cab driver's life.  "How long have you been driving cabs?"  "Three years."  "You like it?"  "It's really hard work.  Not all people are so nice.  I get tired, but what can you do?  You have to pay the bills."  ... Read Full Story >>

54.2K Reads