Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Things Come In Unexpected Places

I know that a lot of times people are too shy or embarrased to perform very obvious or direct acts of kindness for total strangers.

My favorite way to distribute smile cards is to do it anonymously by leaving them in random places along with a little gift for someone to find. You can slip them in the pages of a book with a colorful homemade bookmark. You can tape one with a dollar bill on a vending machine for the next person to be treaten to a cool drink. Even try tacking one up on a lamp post/telephone pole so that when someone comes along posting up signs for their missing pet, they'll find a little surprise there.

Be creative with the gifts!

2119 Reads

The Crumpled Dollar

When I was working as a waitress at a small resturant by the highway, an older gentlemen came in to purchase a cup of coffee. I recognized him because he was the gentleman who lived under the bridge that was just down the street.

When he came in, he placed a crumpled dollar on the counter and asked if that was enough.  I told him it was plenty, went to get his coffee and handed him a menu at the same time. He looked at me confused and I told him to order what he wanted.

After his meal and a to-go bag with a fresh cup of coffee, he smiled and left.  But as I was cleaning up his place, I noticed the crumpled dollar on the counter.

I stood there and cried because I knew this was probably all he had.

I placed the crumpled one in my apron and pulled out a ten; I asked a friend to catch up with him and give him something from me.  I never saw him again but his smile stays with me even today.

6402 Reads

Bus Driver's Bad Day

Every day I pretty much follow the same routine and my same schedule, see the same people, places and every day things, but today was some how different. I caught the bus as usual and had my usual gruf bus driver but today was different not only for me but for him also. This is a man who puts the word starch in professional and does his job, but today he was upset and agitated, and as usual I did not talk to him, only to say hello, but as I watched him on my ride to work I remembered the card that a kind stranger gave me at work, and thought what a simply  gesture would do for him.  So I gave him the card with the simple words, "Things will get better." I know that I didn't solve his problems or his griefs but just that one little card put a ... Read Full Story >>

1688 Reads

An Extra Recipe Book

I helped someone out today. No biggy, but still, all the same, she was so appreciative. 

Earlier this morning, I bought a recipe magazine from the local shop -- it had one of those sample packs attached to it with sample tea, a big packet of rice noodles & rice bran oil in the bag.   And the shopkeeper gave me an extra one (which made me feel great!).

So, I then took the other one & a whole box of cat food -- which my fussy cat wouldn't eat! -- over to my friends house, who often helps me out.

My friend didn't stop thanking me & I'm glad to be of even the tiniest bit of help to her.


1252 Reads

If You Give a Man a Cookie

Sometimes there are days when you just can't bring yourself to smile.  You try to find away to bring yourself to move on with life and enjoy life but for some reason it just doesn't help. A teacher whom I admire was sitting at his table as I came in his room during lunch.  Judging from his face, I could see things thatcould be better.  Instantly I remembered I had a couple Smile Cards in my pocket for times like these. Then I thought what could I do to make him smile? Then it came to me, why not share a Biscote with him? I just happened to have had one in my lunch bag that day. So as he was not looking, I silently left the cookie on his table with the card and left the room to take the rest of my lunch.   As I returned to class, I ... Read Full Story >>

1897 Reads

Helping a Neighbor Down on his Luck

We had a community garage sale this weekend. Early that morning a man who was staying down the street with his mother stopped by. He is a cabinet maker but there has not been much work for him lately. He has been doing lawn jobs and clean up to make extra money to keep going. He stopped by to ask us if we had any lawn equipment for sale. We didn't but upon hearing his struggles I pulled an extra yard blower/vac out of our cabinet and gave it to him. When he asked how much it was, I just told him he could have it and wished him the best of luck. 2 hours later he came back. He had gone home and tried it out and was happy that it worked great for him! He thanked us again and asked if he could clean up our yard to show ... Read Full Story >>

4165 Reads

What Is $5?

The other day some co-workers and I went to subway for lunch.  We made our purchases and proceeded back to the car. 

As we were leaving I heard some one calling to me.  I looked up and saw a lady looking distressed.  She wanted a dollar so she could get a snack.  She looked like she had been walking for quite a while and if nothing else was thristy. So I looked in my wallet and all I had was a $5.  I reached in pulled it out and handed it to her. 

My friends commented that they don't have extra money to pass out like that, but the way I figure -- what if that was my daughter or sister?  Would I want someone to shrug her off?  What if she was desperate?  I didn't know if she was homeless, her car had broken down, or she was stranded and had to walk a while till she could get to someone who could help her.  I couldn't take that chance. 

1300 Reads

Anonymous Flowers Never Fail

I have used this idea a few times. Send someone flowers without signing the card or indicating in any way who they are from. The person not only gets a warm fuzzy feeling from the flowers but as they try to figure out who might of sent the bouquet, they think about all the people in their lives who care about them. The first time I did this, the intent was just to make the man smile and yet I did not want to send the wrong message so I did not sign the card. He was an older man at work, widowed and his family was somewhat estranged. He had always been kind to me and helped me through my initial years. It was his birthday and I just wanted him to know he was thought about. The result of not signing the card was an unexpected joy. The ... Read Full Story >>

12.3K Reads

Volunteering is a Joy

I do volunteer work in a hospital waiting room. I always say a prayer that Iwill be able to do something , however small, to be of help each day I work.

And I do such things as make coffee, answer the phone, relay messages, and give directions to various places in the hospital.  Sometimes I have the priviledge of listening and offerring a word of kindness.

I hope I am of assistance.  But one thing I know for sure though .... I am richer for being able to do this. It is such a priviledge to be able to touch a life, however briefly, and to make a tiny difference.

1401 Reads

Easter Bonnets

To try to cheer some of the cancer patients I work with , I, along with staff and patients, are trying to motivate every one in the hospice to make a Easter bonnet.

Nothing too hard.  Simply decorate an old straw hat up and see who can make the most cheerful one up, with the prize of an Easter egg for the winner.

In fact all the patients will be winners because of the joy  and laughter they will give to each other  in the making of the bonnets. I'll bet there will be some funny bonnets and some with a lot of thought in them.

I'm off to think about what I'm going to decorate mine with.  Any ideas for the next year?

1438 Reads

A Chance Encounter And a Priceless Lesson

Last weekend, I was walking across the village green when I saw an elderly gentleman on the bench, just  overlooking the duck pond.  I thought he looked abit forlorn so I went over and sat next to him. After a few comments about how nice the weather was and how there were alot of ducks in the pond today , he told me how he used to come with his wife and watch the children feed the ducks with their mums.  They didn't have any children of their own. He explained he had been married for 54 years when his wife died and how much he missed sharing all the little things with her.   Like a beautiful sunset .  He now lives in a care home.  I remarked at how wonderful it must've been to have been married for so long and to have so many happy memories.  He took out a large ... Read Full Story >>

4253 Reads

Three Strings of Itzhak Perlman

Perlman, the violinist, came on stage to give a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City. If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that getting on stage is no small achievement for him. He was stricken with polio as a child, and so he has braces on both legs and walks with the aid of two crutches. To see him walk across the stage one step at a time, painfully and slowly, is an awesome sight. He walks painfully, yet majestically, until he reaches his chair. Then he sits down, slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward. Then he bends down and picks up the violin, puts it under his chin, nods to the conductor and proceeds to play. By now, the audience is used to this ... Read Full Story >>

31.5K Reads

Michigan Mary

Our 82-year-old neighbour, Mary from Michigan,  injured her shoulder so we volunteered to power wash her trailer for her.  My partner did the actual washing but I took over on making supper and doing some other jobs at home to free her up for the four hour job.

Other neighbours offered to be her driver and some brought over food.  Mary certainly was smiling!

Sometimes all it takes are small acts.

1603 Reads
  • Posted by goldencomet
  • Apr 4, 2007
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Free Pizza For Class

I always wanted to try this. 

I talked to a buddy of mine and he reminded me of a night class that he had.  I always wanted to tag a group of people and so I decided I would tag his class.

Everyone knows from student life that when you have a night class, for some reason or another, you always get hungry!   So this class was from 7pm to 9pm, with about 25 students, and I decided that I would buy some pizza for the whole class.

I walked in after the class had started and delivered the pizza.  A bit puzzled, the teacher asked the class who ordered pizza and I explained that I was bringing it on my own will.  Everyone looked a little bit stunned, in a good kind of a way. :)

She really wanted to give me a tip, but I told her that the only tip I would accept is if they all did something nice for somebody else.  I also made sure to leave them Smile Cards and they were all definitely moved by this gesture.


3739 Reads

Claps For Those Who Couldn't Hear It

Recently, in the University where my wife is a Lecturer, they held a two day symposium to discuss on the latest trends of Biotechnology. It was valedictory day and prior to that the evening had an entertainment show to the guests who had gathered for the symposium.  Before the entertainment programme was finalised, there were lot many traditional ideas on what to have for the entertainment.  But my wife made an unusual suggestion: to call children from a neighbourhood Dumb and Deaf school for the entertainment part. People in her department were raising eyebrows and were wondering what these children who are deaf and dumb could do to entertain people! So, here we are at this valedictory function. The amazing children took on stage, just with one guide and teacher who stood beside the screen to give instructions to the children who were to perform for the entertainment. Oh, the children ... Read Full Story >>

1953 Reads

Tedi the Love Clown

I go to the Hospital every Saturday, in my bright costume, and long eyelashes,and an august clown face.  I hand the patient a 4" Love Pillow.. hand made by myself, and a couple of friends.

I say, "This is a Love Pillow, It is to remind you that you have a Heavely Comforter,

God is still in charge, you know,

And He loves you so much,

He knows what your needs are even before you ask.

He will never leave you, He loves you with an Unending Love,  And I love you too !!!"

--Tedi the Love Clown

I have been clowning for 24 years now, and this has been my most important experience.  I see between 80 and 120 patients each week and wouldn't miss it for the life in me.

3162 Reads

Undercover Smiles

Sometimes its really nice to help people out behind the scenes when they're experiencing a crunch or even just having a bad day. A couple of weeks ago one of my colleagues at work was having one of those days where everything was falling to bits.  She tried to withdraw cash from the ATM only that morning only to be denied due to insufficient funds.  Payday was still a few weeks away and the bank was giving her a hard time to increase her overdraft limit.  When you have plans to take another colleague out to lunch to celebrate recent accomplishments, this can be a little embarassing and distressing at the same time to not have cash to contribute.  On top of that, she lives alone in this country (all of her family and close friends live in Africa) so she doesn't have a tight network of support locally and had ... Read Full Story >>

2816 Reads

Power of Flowers

While at the supermarket this morning, waiting on line to pay for my groceries, I noticed the flowers by the counter  (because of my DailyGood reminder which suggested buying flowers for the cashier!).   All of a sudden, I remembered that it had been months since I have been wanting to do something special for my downstairs neighbor who has climbed the stairs numerous times to let me know that I left my car lights on!   So I decided to buy her a bouquet of flowers to thank her, and bought a second one for myself.    As I got back home, I found the Waste Management truck in my parking spot, with the garbage man picking up the building's trash.  My first reaction was to feel annoyed that I had to wait till he was done before I could park and get upstairs (I was feeling hungry and looking forward ... Read Full Story >>

2667 Reads

We All Have A Story

Last weekend I volunteered at our local shelter to serve meals to the hungry. I convinced a classmate of mine, a woman who is older like myself to come along for the experience. Her life consists of school, playing golf as a semi-pro, and generally living a very comfortable and protected lifestyle. I assume everyone has seen the hungry, the needy, the homeless, the less fortuanate in our society but the assortment of folks at the shelter seemed to trouble my friend. She was aprehensive about getting physically too  close when she was serving meals and she was also full of questions. She made observations such as, "They look like they do drugs", "I assume a lot of them have alcohol problems", "Some of them seem like they are retarded." Once everyone is fed, staff/volunteer's can also eat from the leftovers.  We were told there was enough and that we should ... Read Full Story >>

5245 Reads

Birthday Celebrations

My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. This year I have asked all my friends and family to send whatever they would normally spend on a gift, card and cake, to a charity that is close to my heart.

1749 Reads