Just A Note...
A couple of days ago, I was feeling down for no reason and I didn't know how to get my spirits up again.
So I decided to write to two of my closest friends a little note. I told each of them how much I valued their friendship and that their mere presence always made my day. I thanked them for always being there to support me.
I saw them today and slipped the notes into their bags when they didn't notice. Later that day, they both came up to me and gave me big hugs. It felt really nice!! =]
Two little notes that took me 5 minutes to write ended up cheering all 3 of us up! Joy comes in small packages.
- Posted by bluqtgyrl
- May 8, 2007
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A Big Piece Of Humble Pie
I ran out of gas less than one block from the local gas station. While waiting in line to ask if they had a gas can I could use, I was watching the new cashier trainee. I was judging his appearance and demeanor: prison tattoos up his neck and down his arms, not making eye contact with the customers nor thanking anyone, insecure about what he was doing...
When my turn came and I asked if they had a gas can. The girl training him (who is familiar with me) said, "No, but we have one you can buy." I like to think that I live in a small town where everyone is able to help one another ... but sometimes not.
The new cashier, however, looked up at me and said, "I have one in the back of my truck you can use, if you'll bring it back."
I thanked him profusely. I was ashamed of how I had been judging and, at the same time, delighted that, once again, the universe had provided me with another lesson in kindness!
- Posted by tambu
- May 8, 2007
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Words Of Kindness
One of the best ways to make someone smile is to give words of appreciation and gratitude. People seem to gravitate to people who can make others feel good.
Have you ever went to visit with someone and before you left they said, "Thank you for coming, I so enjoy your visits." Doesn't that make you feel better. To thank others for a well done job, is also a way of showing kindness.
I like to talk to others and give them a small compliment of thank you and leave a smile card. It doesn't take any extra time, and it makes the world a better place.
- Posted by writingmomma
- May 8, 2007
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Kindness In Grief
A long time ago, I was a waitress in a pancake house that stayed open til midnight. One evening around 11:30, a couple came in. There was no one else in the restaurant, so I started chatting as I poured the coffee. It turns out that the womans mother was in the hospital and it was only a matter of time before she passed. We talked how hard it was to watch a parent die and how we both hoped that she wouldn't be in pain for too much longer. She asked if the restaurant would be open the following evening and I assured her that it would and I would be waiting for them with a hot pot of coffee. For 5 more evenings, they retured. I wouldn't let the cook turn off the grill until they showed up. He wasn't happy about it, but after I told him the ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by monabr
- May 7, 2007
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Generosity While Shopping
A few years back, we were struggling financially having only $25(aus) to do the fortnightly shopping. This went on for almost 2 years.
Thankfully my husband, Trevor, got a good job & he had the opportunity to be quite generous, especially when it came to the shopping!
One particular day I was shopping & noticed this other shopper being very diligent at what she was doing. I was behind her at the check out & we started chatting away; she had 5 children at home. She went to pay her bill but was short & started putting items back.
This was my opportunity to show a little kindness & give her some cash so that she & her children wouldn't have to go without.
She was very thankful, but I think I was smiling for the next month! What a joy it is to show someone a little kindness.
I'm always on the look out to show loving kindness to someone. It costs nothing but the rewards are priceless.
- Posted by Bibirose
- May 7, 2007
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Teeth or No Teeth, A Beautiful Smile
I'm new to this site but instantly fell in love...I love that I am sitting here typing my first story. Pretty much everyday I go to pickup my mail at a UPS Store in Santa Monica. I hunt around in back for a parking space and most of the time seem to capture the last one available. This is my forced march - to fetch the mail and back to work..to life. Busy. The parking lot being behind the building, I walk around the front passing a Krispy Kreme donut store, a travel store, and See's Candies before reaching my destination. On most every occasion, there are one or two, sometime three homeless people out front. They are usually directly in front of the Krispy Kreme or down the middle of the block in front of the US Post Office. I 94% ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by eawo
- May 6, 2007
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Random Smilecarding
In one of the eateries on campus today, as I was quickly eating my lunch before my next class, I had an urge to give someone a smile card.
On complete impulse, I stuck one in one of those little plastic things that have flyers or whatever in them that they put on tables. So, right next to the specials for the month, there is now a great big message to SMILE!
Maybe no one will notice it, but maybe some people will, and get a little grin out of it as they rush around in the busy lives that pervade this place. Maybe someone will even take it and continue the chain and pay it forward.
Whatever the result, if even just one person smiles, it will be a success.
- Posted by optimist
- May 6, 2007
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A Lift Of Kindness
It was a day when I forgot to take my wallet to office. It was evening and I decided to walk back home -- a full 10 kms.
I walked for 5 minutes and just stopped for a while close to a traffic signal. I was observing people waiting at the signal.
I happened to smile at a person on a bike. He smiled back and asked me if I needed a lift. Coincidentaly he was going the exact way I needed to go.
He was kind to me. I returned back this kindness by offering lift to people when needed. One kind act begets another.
And a smile started it all.
- Posted by philip1957
- May 5, 2007
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Seventy Necklaces With A Note
This past summer I had attened a retreat, where we created a Peace Project. About 60 of us all scattered through out Chicago, recently met for the last retreat. The night before the retreat, my close friend and I made my peace project come alive; we made over 70 necklaces that we handed out to everyone with personal note. Here are the descriptions of the 7 different colored beeds: The color that chose you is green. Green- asking you to see the victory over dullness, to have hope, and to find happiness throughout your life. What is asked of you is to wear the necklace as a reminder of what it symbolizes. If you are ever asked what this necklace symbolizes or means you are to pass this necklace forward to whom ever because they are being called to it. Then have them tie a knot to symbolize ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by steen
- May 5, 2007
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Denmark the Dog!
I had a brain aneurysm and two strokes several years ago which left me partially sighted but legally blind. The very best part is that I feel so glad to be alive. I just returned from another state learning for one month to train with my new guide dog. When we go for walks, it is my decision to let others pet her or not. During a beautiful spring walk the other day with Denmark, my dog, I heard some adult voices and kids voices. The adults were saying , "Shh, the dog is working." At the same time I heard the little children whisper, "It's my doggie." I stopped my dog and told the adults (who were the children's parents) that it was fine, that my dog is working but I can let her play too. The most awesome parts of this story are the parents enthusiasm while talking and ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by MOSIE
- May 4, 2007
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Shoe Store Lesson Learned
I was born with a compassionate and generous spirit. I have always championed the under dog. But it never occured to me that those who are in complete command of their life might still need something from me.
Today I went with my husband to get him some new shoes. Now, he already has 15 pairs! I have 2. His materialistic attitudes really bother me at times because I would rather give my money away than to spend it on myself.
Anyhow, a big shoe sale was going on. More than 30 people were trying to get the attention of these 2 salesgirls. I watched one of them and was amazed how efficient and professional she was. As my turn finally came and I was checking out, I mentioned to the girl how I admired how she had handled her very demanding job. She smiled big. I mean, the radiance from her smile would have put the sunlight to shame.
We all need to be recognized from time to time.
- Posted by lovebug
- May 4, 2007
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Anonymous Letter
My sister is in her second to last year of college, she is getting her Master's Degree in accounting. She and her group (Beta Alpha Psi) were preparing a presentation for a competition and she was so stressed out I thought she was going to break. She thought the presentation wasn't good enough and that her team wouldn't win first place.
I couldn't do anything but watch her break down from the pressure. So I decided to make her a card and write her a letter. In the letter, I told her that it's okay if she didn't win, because knowing that she put all her heart and effort into it, she has already won. I anonymously placed the card on her desk.
That same night, she came up to me and hugged me. Even though I didn't sign the card, she knew it was me. She thanked me for the card and motivation. Her smile was absolutely delightful to see.
That weekend I wished her good luck and break a leg at the presentation. And her team got first place. =]
- Posted by bluqtgyrl
- May 3, 2007
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Rock N Roll Never Dies
After 11 years of being "lucky to live Hawaii" my wife and I are moving to Florida to take care of my Mother. It's a real treat for my wife, who is a local girl who has never been to the mainland.
To minimize expenses we decided to mail the essentials from Hawaii to Florida -- the cheapest solution we could come up with. This also meant parting with things that we have held onto. Things like my cassette tape collection, along with my vinyl record collection. I'm guessing that I probably had about 300+ cassette tapes, mostly 60-70's rock and around 100 or so vinyl LP's, many bootlegs and a lot of great cover art.
I called our local radio station and told my friend DC, the morning jock, that I'd like to donate them to a listener who would appreciate them and give them a good home. He put it on the air, said that the first caller would get the cassettes and within minutes, a listener named "Spike" was over joyed to get them!
The following day DC gave away my vinyl collection and I'm glad they will have a home where they will be listened to.
- Posted by hiloecho
- May 2, 2007
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Seeing A Handful Of Pennies
While getting a couple of things at a local gas station, I noticed a girl walk in and pay for her gas. She caught my attention with her very very green hair. I remembered 10 years ago when I dyed my hair purple ... and loved it!! She apologized for the cashier having to count her change as she put down a handful of pennies and a couple of nickels. She said "Believe it or not, this is suppost to get me home" At that time I was getting my change back from my purchase ($2.00) and not having anything else to give her, I gave her my last two dollars, knowing I wouldn't need them. Plus I had a full tank of gas ... and I had been where she was. She looked at me with such a surprised look on her face. She thanked me and you could tell ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by Jeniffer
- May 2, 2007
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Doorbell Ditch on Easter
It was Easter Sunday.
The day before I thought it would bring plenty of smiles, for young and old alike, if I spread some happiness along the path we all travel.
So I got some white paper bags and tucked in each bag some speckled malted milk eggs, tiny chocolate bunnies, mini M&M's, and a few jelly beans. On each stapled bag, I wrote "Happy Easter from God."
The best part was knocking door to door and disappearing when someone sounded like they were opening the door. I felt wonderful and exciting to be adding some small joy to each persons' day!
- Posted by MOSIE
- May 2, 2007
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A Few Words Can Go A Long Way
The other night I was at a friend's house to discuss some things about a charity organization we're involved in.
There were a fews of us there, and we were all laying around on the couches in her living room. All of a sudden, I became extremely emotional and burst into tears for no good reason. I was sobbing hysterically, but i couldn't figure out why.
My friend came over to me and hugged me tight, rubbing my back and trying to figure out what was wrong. He sat there holding me for probably ten minutes before I stopped crying. Then he looked at me and he said, "You look so pretty today." It was a small thing, but just because he said that, I was able to smile and for the most part pull myself together. It brightened my day, and boosted my self-esteem at least a few notches.
The lesson here is that the smallest of compliments can sometimes make the biggest difference in someone's life. Always remember to give compliments!
- Posted by robbie
- May 1, 2007
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Five Pounds For A Big Issue
I was in the city of York this last week. If you are ever near Yorkshire, don't miss going there -- you will not be disappointed. The history of the city goes right back to the Romans and Vikings, when it used to be called Jorvik. There are so many fabulous places to visit, like the stunning cathedral.
I thought I would do an act on kindness on the oldie worldie streets. I saw a man was selling Big Issue magazines for a £1 -- it is a scheme for homeless people to raise money. He wasn't having much luck as everybody just averted their eyes; it must be soul destroying to be ignored all the time.
I went over to him and said hi and gave him £5. Quickly, he started to find the change and I told him it didn't matter. You would not of believed the transformation that came over him when he gave me a big smile! He looked a different person, a human being with a heart and soul.
"Thank you, thank you," he beamed. I felt really pleased that such a little can make a big a difference to someones day.
- Posted by afriendlysmile
- Apr 30, 2007
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Giving Away My Prize Money
I had two strangers at my doorstep this morning. I asked them what had brought them there, a little afraid because of my parent's Little Red Riding Hood style warnings of dont-talk-to-strangers, and a little surprised to see two unknown people who looked like they could be fellow students in my college. Both dressed in old but neatly pressed clothes, the taller boy began explaining his predicament. He showed me his fees form and said that his exams were starting in a month. He would not be allowed to write his exams without coming up with the entire tuition fees amount. He was studying a Masters Course in Computer Applications in a good college in my city. I luckily have friends studying the same course in my college which meant I could verify the dates and information he was giving me. The bottomline was that he still fell short of 2500 rupees to meet his target of 30,000 ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by guin
- Apr 29, 2007
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A Midnight Mistake
It was late as we left the restaurant after a meeting. It had been a busy week and we still had a lot of work ahead of us before we went to bed that night. We had already crossed the toll booth when I discovered I'd left my purse at the restaurant. It had my husband's phone in it and he was leaving for out of town the next day. We needed that bag. There was nothing to do but to turn around. There wasn't much chance that we would make it back to the restaurant before closing time but we decided to try anyway. A little monologue of reproach started off in my head. How could I be so careless. Now we wouldn't get home until a couple hours later and who knew if we would even find the bag that night, and we were already running low on ... Read Full Story >>
- Posted by singlestep
- Apr 28, 2007
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A Gift at a Book Sale
At work they were having a Book Sale in our Lunch Room. There were many wonderful books for children, cookbooks and educational books.
I noticed one fellow employee looking at the cookbooks and then putting them back on the rack and saying maybe if she has enough money on payday she'll get the book. Then a different person came in and was admiring the children's books and she too had to wait until payday. I knew she had 2 little ones at home and money was tight for her. When she left the room, I quickly left enough money and paper clipped a Smile Card and note saying "Some one please use this money to buy a book that you would normally not be able to afford" I taped it to the Book Sale Poster.
When I returned before I went home that night, the money was clipped to an order form and someone did use it. I'm not sure who ... but I hope it'll make someone SMILE when their book arrives knowing that someone cared enough to share.
- Posted by aurelia
- Apr 28, 2007
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